Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"How are you mom?" Ethan asked getting his mom to his floor.

"I am good honey. How's everything going?" Eden Carter asked looking at her son. She had come all the way from Florida to meet her son because it had been 6 months since she last saw him.

"Great. The guys are already in the apartment, waiting for you. They are so excited to meet you again," he said and she smiled. His friends liked Eden because she was so sweet and nice. She cared about them. She was like a mother to them.

"Eden! How are you?" the boys asked standing up from their seat as Eden entered and Ethan followed behind with her luggage in his hands.

"I am so good," she said hugging everyone and they sat down. Eden got her best seat and the boys settled down on other Available chairs. They chatted for a while about their work and casual conversation.

"Boys, I was free so I made some cookies. I have cinnamon roll sugar cookies, brownie cookies, and salted butter oatmeal cookies with chocolate chip, vanilla bean cookies and hot cocoa cookies. What flavours do you want?" Millie asked entering the apartment dressed in her oversized sweater over her lace bralette and some leggings. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail.

"Oh, hello," Millie said looking at Eden and Eden stood up from her seat.

"Mom, this is Millie, our neighbour and Millie this is my mom," Ethan said and Millie walked over to Eden and held her hand out for her.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Carter," she said and Eden smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Millie and call me Eden please," she said and Millie nods. Millie knew that Ethan's dad was no more so Ethan and his mom were very close.

"Eden, what flavour of cookies do you want? Guys you too, what flavours do you want?" she asked looking at them. She walked over to their kitchen and placed a huge box of cookies as she waited for their reply.

"Surprise us," Eden said and Millie nods plating the cookies for the guys. She made an assorted plate of cookies for everyone but since she knew what flavour the boys liked, she gave them a little extra of their favourite flavour.

"Here you go for you all," she said handing out the plates and it smelt delicious.

"It looks delicious," Daniel said smiling at his plate of cookies.

"I love the hot cocoa cookies, especially the little marshmallows in it. You know how much I love hot cocoa and marshmallows Millie," Ethan said and Millie nods sitting on his arm rest as he tasted his cookie.

"It's delicious Millie. You are amazing at baking," Eden said and Millie shrugs.

"I enjoy baking and thank you," she said smiling. Eden understood that Millie was a happy, cheerful and kind person from the moment she saw her. She could see how much she cared about the boys, especially Ethan. She even thought that Millie was a beautiful person, inside out.

"I wish I had known you were coming, I would have put on some better clothes," she says and Eden smiles.

"You look beautiful just the way you are. Don't worry darling," she says smiling.

"So Eden, how long are you in town for?" Millie asked.

"Just a couple of days," she replied.

"Then we should look around the town sometime. Let's go whenever you are free, if it's alright with you," Millie said and Eden nods. Eden really liked how genuine Millie was.

As Millie looked at Ethan, he noticed some flour on her cheekbone. He pulled his sweatshirt sleeves and cleaned it up. Millie smiled and thanked him. Eden smiles looking at the both of them.

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