Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Jaden? Can you come with us to the costume party?" Millie asks looking at her husband who was working on his laptop. They had been married for about 6 months now.

"What is it about?" he asks and she sits down next to him.

"It's a party with a competition where we dress up like we dress up for Halloween and the best costume couple wins," she says excitedly.

"When is it?" he asks not looking up.

"In a week, on Halloween night," she asks and he looks at her apologetically.

"I am so sorry Babe," he says and she gets disappointed.

"Please Jaden? This would be our first time dressing up as a couple. I already made a plan you would be the Joker and I would be Harley Quinn. Please?" she asks giving him the puppy eyes and he looks at her.

"Babe, I would love to but I have to work. I can't be like all of you can I?" he asks and she stares at him.

"What do you mean?" she asks and he looks at her.

"I mean all of you seem all free and excited. I don't have time Millie. Someone has to work," he says and she throws him a death glare.

"Jaden, they all have work too. You aren't the only one working. We make time for our friends," she says and he nods.

"I know that but not this time Millie," he says and she stands up. She turned around and walked away upset and he didn't follow her. She was angry at him. She banged her apartment door tight and walked over to Ethan's.

"Millie!" Henry says as she enters and she smiles.

"Dressed down today?" Alex asks and she nods sitting on the couch next to June.

"I wanted it to be comfortable," she says smiling looking at her giraffe onesie. She tucked her feet underneath her legs as Grace passes her a blanket and she takes it gratefully.

"It's freezing today," she says and they nod.

"It's cold all of a sudden," Henry says and everyone agrees.

"So is Jaden coming?" Grace asks and she shakes her head disappointed.

"He says that he has work to do," she says.

"On Halloween?" Daniel asks and Millie shrugs.

"Apparently," she says.

"Then what are you dressing up as?" he asks.

"I thought I would be Harley Quinn and he would be the Joker, but I don't know anymore," she says rubbing her forehead.

"Hey. You and Ethan and go together. He doesn't have a partner too," Jenny says and Millie looks at Ethan.

"That would be perfect. How about it Ethan?" she asks.

"That's a great idea. So am I the Joker?" he asks and she shakes her head.

"No. Let's do something else," she says and he nods. She thinks and he thinks.

"Let's go as Blair Waldof and Chuck Bass," she says after a while and her eyes were gleaming.

"Since the last time we went as superheroes, then I think it's only fitting that we go as something I like," she says. Ethan usually never watched any kinds of rom-com movies or these TV shows and Millie never was into the superhero stuff but ever since they have been in each other's lives, they watch what the other likes because they wanted to see each other happy.

"Blair Waldof and Chuck Bass it is," he says and she cheers giving him a hug as everyone else cheers. She sits on his arm rest, abandoning her place next to Grace and Ethan shared his blanket with her.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ethan whispered to her while the others were speaking after noticing her gone all quiet. She looked into his eyes and gave him a sad smile.

"I- um, I don't know," she says and takes a deep breath.

"He's always working and hanging out with his friend!" she says and he smiles and holds her hand.

"I think I'm being unreasonable," she says to herself after a while and Jaden enters the room and everyone greeted him. Kate gets up from her seat and sits next to Grace, giving Jaden her single couch.

"Millie," he says and she looks at him.

"Why don't you come and sit next to me?" he asks patting on his seat and she glares at him.

"What's wrong with where I'm sitting?" she asks.

"I just wanted you to sit with your husband," he says and she glares at him.

"I don't want to right now. I'm sitting with my best friend," she says and he notices Ethan's hand on hers. He didn't like it.

"Stop being ridiculous Millie. Just because I'm don't want to your stupid party where people with low self esteems get dressed into their fictional characters, it doesn't mean that you should try to make me jealous," he says and everyone's mouth dropped to the floor. They knew that this fight was going to be huge.

"Stupid party? People with low self esteem?" she asks raising her voice and he regretted saying it.

"Come on. I didn't mean it like that," he says and Millie scoffs.

"Really? Because you sounded like you did and I'm making you jealous? Are you ok?" she asks folding her arms over her chest.

"And you said that you had an important meeting and just now you said that you didn't want to go," she says and he was caught in a lie.

"Listen Millie, I didn't know how else to say this without hurting your feelings. I don't like going to such things," he says and Millie gives him a dangerous smile.

"You just hurt my feelings even more than you would have if you would have told me the truth and you married me knowing that I like all this," she says and he tried saying something but she stood up.

"Do you want to go with me Ethan or do you also want to say something that won't "hurt my feelings"," she asks looking at Ethan.

"No, I meant what I said. I would love to go with you," he says and she smiles.

"At least you are honest with me Ethan. See it's not so hard," she says looking at Jaden.

"Ethan, we'll go shopping whenever you are free for our costumes and you," she says pointing at Jaden.

"Go back to your house tonight. I'm not letting you in," she says walking out of Ethan's apartment. Jaden followed her.

"Why are you making such a big deal Millie?" he asks and she turns around.

"I'm making a big deal? You're the one who made fun of my friends and I and you are the one who lied to me," she says and he sighs.

"I'm sorry Millie," he says.

"Are you going with Ethan to the party?" he asks and she nods.

"He's Chuck Bass and I'm Blair Waldof," she says and Jaden was mad.

"Come on now Millie. Just because I'm not going doesn't mean you have to find someone else to replace me with. At least even if you were, find someone better than Ethan please," he says and that made Millie angrier.

"What do you mean someone better than Ethan?" she asks and everyone could hear their fight.

"I mean, he's so average looking, not so popular and he's the guy everyone in school pities but doesn't talk to and you are like this popular girl," he says offending her even more.

"You are a big fat bully and don't even speak about Ethan that way. He's way cooler than you and he is handsome. He is drop dead gorgeous and he's more of a man than you'll ever be," she says walking into her apartment and slams the door in his face.

The past six months of being married had been hell for Millie. They always fought and Jaden always made or wanted her to do something she didn't like. He was constantly putting her friends down and trying to get her away from them.

She got tired hearing him bad mouth her friends. As much as she loved him, she loved her friends too and by insulting them, it was like insulting her too.

Millie knew that they were going to end soon and the more she spoke to Jaden, the more obvious it got.

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