Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Why do I hear heels?" Millie asks folding her clothes and turns to look at Jaden as he enters his house. Millie had come over to tidy up the place and surprise him.

"Hi," a woman says who was standing behind him and Millie was surprised. She looked so beautiful with long blonde hair and dark green eyes and she seemed shorter than Millie. She was smiling.

"Millie, this is Annie and Annie this is Millie," Jaden says and Millie folds the top she was holding and walks up to them.

"I'm Annie, I work with Jaden," Annie says extending her hand.

"Millie, Jaden's wife," she says and Annie seemed a bit surprised. She didn't know that she was meeting his wife, hell she didn't even know he had a wife. He just said that he wanted to have dinner.

"I didn't know we would have company," Millie says looking at Jaden and he smiled awkwardly.

"I'm so sorry Millie," he says and she brushes it away.

"We were going to grab dinner. Would you like to join us?" Annie asks looking at Millie and she smiles.

"Um, I would love to but I'm not dressed," she says looking at herself dressed in some shorts and a crop top.

"Go on, we'll wait," Annie says and Millie smiles before walking into her room and starts getting dressed as fast as she could.

"You never told me you had a wife," Annie says looking at Jaden.

"It just never came up," he says and Annie glared at him.

"Never came up?" she says and Jaden looks at her innocently.

"Come on. Don't get mad at me," he says walking up to her and holds her waist and pulls her closer to him and she raises her hands to his chest, not pushing him away but holding him.

"I can never be mad at you babe," she says smiling and he swoops in.

"I hope this doesn't change anything," he says and she smiles, kissing him. Millie opened the door and they sprang apart. She didn't see them kissing but she saw them spring apart and she was suspicious but she lets it go.

"You look so pretty," Annie says looking at Millie in her short black backless dress with her hair pulled into a messy ponytail and she did minimal makeup. She wore her high heels and looked so beautiful.

"Thank you," Millie says smiling. They lock the doors and sit in the car with Millie sitting next to Jaden and Annie at the back. Jaden as soon as he got down opened the door first for his wife and then his mistress.

He held his wife's hand and leads her to the restaurant while Annie smiles and walks next to him and she wasn't jealous, weirdly. They get settled in and order food. Their wine arrived first. Annie sat alone as Jaden and Millie sit next to each other.

"So Annie what do you do?" she asks sipping on her wine.

"I work as the company's advisor," she says and Millie nods.

"What do you do?" Annie asks.

"I am a singer. I publish my original songs and sing at events," she says and Annie nods.

"That sounds fun," she says and Millie smiles. Under the table, Jaden and Annie were playing footsies and Millie was completely unaware of this.

"Hey," someone says and Millie looks up as the voice came from man standing next to her. She smiles at the man who was so good looking.

"Hello," she says as he smiles widely.

"I'm John," he says.

"You are Millie right?" he asks before she could answer and she was surprised that someone knew her.

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