Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Roughly six million years ago, the ancestors of humans and the ancestors of chimpanzees regularly interbred, they were the same species, of course. Just think about it Millie," Daniel said as they had their early dinner at Ethan's apartment.

"Oh my lord! That seems disgusting but for them it must be normal. That is so messed up," she said and Daniel laughed. They had their costume party right after this so they were eating it quickly.

The guys had their costumes with them so Millie went to her apartment to get ready into hers. She quickly did her light makeup like Scarlet Johansson has on the movie and she got changed into her costume. She quickly put on her white suit, belt, boots, guns and everything that came along with the costume.

She brushed her hair and braided it slightly like Natasha Romanoff in the movie 'Black Widow'. She had dyed her hair red, just like Natasha because she was committed to the roll, it was easy but Millie had ocean blue eyes, lighter than her and her eyes did shine brighter because of her red hair. The hair color did suit her. She sprayed her perfume and switched off all the lights in her apartment.

"Alright, I'm ready," she said appearing in Ethan's apartment and the guys just stared at her with their jaws fallen to the floor. She looked incredible and exactly like Natasha Romanoff.

"You guys look great," she said and the boys came back to their present. They did look amazing. She looked at Ethan who had switched to contact lenses for the night and his green eyes looking amazing.

"You look- Incredible," Ethan said and she smiled turning a complete round to show them her fit and they smiled. They got out of the apartment as Ethan locked it and they took the elevator.

"That is America's ass," Millie says and Ethan laughs out loud along with the rest of the boys.

"So, what's this party going to be like?" she asked and the boys all looked at her.

"Um, we have a tradition where the best dressed win a cash prize and the team that ones has special privileges, like using the labs whenever they want, kicking someone out if they are using it and stuff like that. There will be drinks too," Henry said and nods. They drove to the venue, and on their way there, they got quite a few stares in their way but they brushed it off.

"We're here," Alex says opening the door and found so many people in so many different costumes. Everyone looked amazing in there.

"Wow. Everyone has put a lot of thought and effort into their look," Millie says looking around. They eventually did get in and everyone's eyes were on Millie.

She grabbed something to drink from the nearby stall as the boys went to register their names for the competition.

"Hey," someone said and Millie looked up to find a man in a Spiderman costume. He was almost the same height as Millie but he didn't like the vibes he gave her.

"Hey Ben, she's with us," Ethan said coming over and slips his hand around Millie's waist and Ben walked away disappointed. Millie noticed his arm around her waist and this was the first time he had touched her.

"Thank you Captain America," she said smiling at him.

"I don't like bullies. No matter where they are form," he said quoting Steve Rogers and Millie laughed as he let her go. She looked into his eyes and she kind of felt a connection with him.

"You have amazing eyes," she said and he blushed.

"Thank you and I love how blue yours are," he said and she blushed too smiling. It was soon time for the results for the winner of the competition of people with the best costume. The judges had voted for them.

"And the winners are 'The Avengers'," the host announced and the boys with Millie jumped excitedly. They were so happy. They went onstage as everyone cheered for them and they all got a medal.

"Here you go. You receive a cash price of $500 each and you know the privileges," he said and Millie was surprised. She thought $500 for the whole group but it was for each. She couldn't believe that they had won.

"Thank you," she said anyways as she collected hers. She looked at the boys and they were happy that they won. They put their arm around each other and Ethan put his arm around Millie as she did the same and put her other arm around Alex and they went in for a group hug.

They eventually danced on the dance floor and they all were just observing how easily Millie's body flowed. She danced so freely. She took a couple of beer bottles and drank them. She was a bit drunk but she enjoyed.

"Bye guys!" she said waving at everyone at the party and they waved back because she was dancing with all of them.

"Thank you for taking me to the party Ethan," she said as they reached their floor and he smiled.

"Sure and by the way, we won because of you so thank you," he said and she laughed looking at him.

"What? That's nonsense," she said but he shook his head.

"No, I'm not kidding. We won because we had brought an actual Natasha Romanoff who was so dedicated that she dyed her hair red," he said and she laughed.

"Well in that case, I am glad I could help," she said and kissed his cheek as she walked into her apartment.

"Good night Ethan," she said and closed the door as he stood in the hallway shocked. He was just confused. He walked into his own and got changed into his night clothes and slept.


"Millie! Millie! Millie!" someone kept banging on her door and she jumped out of bed to open it thinking it was some kind of an emergency.

"Guys, what happened?" she asked letting the boys in and they were smiling so she was a bit confused. She had a day off today and tomorrow so she had been working late on her songs and it was still 6 in the morning.

"Sorry to startle you," Ethan said and she nods. She was still in her night clothes and her hair was pulled into a messy bun as the guys were all ready to get to work.

"It's alright. Everything's fine right?" she asked and they laugh.

"Yes Millie. Before we got to work, we wanted you to have this. We wanted to show you our appreciation of your love and friendship for us," Ethan said and Millie narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Here you go," they say handing out a wrapped present with a huge bow on it and she took it. They waited for her to open it and as she did, she screamed.

"Guys, no," she said looking at her new macbook pro. This was the better and newer version of her previous laptop. She looked up at them and they looked so proud seeing Millie smile.

"I can't accept this. This is too expensive," Millie ad refusing the gift but the guys sat down next to her.

"Millie, we know you for about 6 months and you have been nothing but so nice and kind to us. You work really hard and you deserve it. By the way, we brought this laptop for you from the money you helped us win last night, so basically you purchased it yourself," Ethan said and everyone nods.

"This is so sweet. Thank you," she said hugging everyone as they formed a group hug. Her heart was floating. She felt so lucky to have them in her life.

"Alright Millie, we have to go to work. We'll see you after work," they said walking out and Millie opened her new laptop and set it up. Now she could sing and record the songs she wanted.

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