Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Ready?" Eden asks looking at her son and he nods. Mille had asked Ethan to be her date for Bill's and Jenna's wedding because she was closer to him and she wanted him to go with her and he readily accepted.

He was dressed in a tuxedo, with his hair perfectly set and he still had his glasses on. He looked amazing and he put on his watch and tied his shoe laces. For the finishing touch, he finally puts his cologne and he was ready.

Just then Millie knocked the door and Eden opened it and her mouth fell to the floor. She couldn't believe what she saw in front of her. Millie looked breath taking and beautiful. She was tying the strap on her heels and she finally stood up to face Eden.

She was dressed in a lilac fitted sequin gown with beaded floral pattern, a long skirt with a thigh slit and one shoulder neck line with her hair straightened and parted in the middle and decorated with some hair pins on the sides.

Her makeup was kept natural and was dewy which brought out the colour of her beautiful ocean blue eyes. On her feet, she had her silver pointed heels. She had the simplest jewellery on her with some mixed earnings on her 3 piercings on her right ear and 5 on her left, but the one on the helix had small hoops. She even had a simple ring on her right ring finger.

"Millie, you look beautiful," Eden says and Millie smiles.

"Thank you Eden. Is Ethan ready?" she asked and Eden moved away to show Ethan standing in front of her. Both of their mouths fell to the ground because the both of them looked wonderful and breathtaking.

"Wow," Millie says and Ethan walks up to her.

"Millie, you look- like- you look amazing," Ethan said stammering and Millie smiled at him and pats his cheek.

"Are you ready?" she asks and he nods so they walk to her apartment and he grabs her guitar case.

"Bye Eden," Millie says giving Eden a kiss and Eden kisses her cheek.

"Have fun the both of you and Millie good luck," she said and they nod and get to the ground floor through the elevator. They walked to Ethan's car, an Audi A3 and Millie liked his car.

"I like your car," she says as she sits in the front seat and Ethan closes her door and goes to the driver's seat for himself.

"Thank you," he says and she smiles.

"This dress looks amazing. Is it new?" he asks as they drove to the venue and Millie shakes her head.

"No. I've had it for a while now. This was my senior year prom dress and I'm surprised it still fits me," she says and he looks at her shocked. "6 years have gone by and yet Millie had the same stunning body? Wow," he thought.

They reached the venue 40 minutes before the guests were to arrive. The wedding was extravagant but not many people were invited because they wanted it to be an intimate wedding but since they were rich, they spent a lot of money on it.

Millie takes Ethan's help to set her guitar and the piano they had provided her with. She was happy with the way it looked so she went to help the florists who were setting up flowers.

"Let me help," Millie says and the boys hand her a bunch of flowers and she arranged it like they were doing it and the work got over faster than they expected. She even helped with the decoration and arrangement of chairs.

"Thank you," a man says coming up to her and she smiles. He was dressed in a suit too.

"Millie Preston," she says extending her hand and the man took it.

"Tyler Clark," he says and Millie checks him out. He had glistering green eyes with dark hair and an amazing body and a height of 6 feet 2 inches.

"I am the singer," she says and he nods.

"I am the event organiser," he says and she nods. The guests started arriving soon so they had to get back to their positions but Tyler came over and gave Millie a single rose and she smiled at him.

"A rose for the beautiful lady here. Good luck," he says before sprinting across the room to check up on everyone. Millie smiled at the rose and puts it by her guitar case. She looked at Ethan who was sitting in one of the benches and he smiled at her. She smiled back and took the guitar in her arms.

The groom enters soon with his best man so Millie starts her song, 'Always you' by Louis Tomlinson an acoustic cover while playing her guitar. All of the guests' eyes were on Millie because she looked breathtaking and she sounded amazing.

She got a message saying that the bride would be entering soon so she started the song 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri again an acoustic cover with the piano and everyone had tears in their eyes as Jenna entered the venue looked like a princess. Millie's voices set perfectly to the occasion too.

She stopped as they say their vows and exchanged rings. They were soon pronounced as husband and wife and everyone cheered for the happy couple as Millie sang '18' by One direction. She was asked to sing this song because Jenna and Bill were in love since they were 18 so it was perfect for them.

They soon went to the back yard where Millie sets up her instruments for the first dance as their parents and best man and maid of honour give their speeches. So Millie later on started with 'Can't help falling in love' by Haley Reinhart and everyone watched the couple in love dance together.

Everyone soon joined the dance floor for a slow dance so Millie started singing 'Black and White' by Niall Horan. Everyone danced she grabbed her microphone and made her way to Ethan.

He took her hand and they started swaying slowly to the song as Millie kept singing and as the song ended pre recorded songs were played so Millie's job was over. Millie and Ethan were dancing and were happy together.

"Look at me. I never thought I would dance with the most beautiful girl at a wedding and here I am," he says and Millie laughs slightly. They danced and when Ethan went to get some drinks, Tyler came over and danced with Millie.

"Here's my number. Call me when you can," he says walking away since someone called him and Millie looked at the card he gave her. Ethan soon came and gave her a glass of champagne which she drank.

Everyone started to leave the wedding and all the staff members went to collect their money. Ethan packs Millie's guitar in the meanwhile.

"Bill and Jenna, congratulations," Millie says and Jenna hugs Millie.

"You were amazing Millie. All of the guests loved you and many wanted your contact information for when they would get married and I gave it to them, if you don't mind," Jenna says and Millie smiles.

"Of course not and thank you. You looked wonderful. I had tears in my eyes as you entered," Millie says and Ethan came close to her.

"You both look good together," Jenna says and Millie shakes her head as Ethan goes red.

"No, no. Ethan and I are friends," Millie says and Jenna got all awkward and apologised. She wrote a check to Millie and Millie took it.

"I thought our deal was for $15oo but this cheque says it is for $2000," Millie says and Jenna holds her hand.

"But you were so wonderful and I saw you helping with the flowers and decorations so you deserve it," Jenna says and Millie smiles congratulating them once again and they go back home.

"I want you to have this," Ethan says giving Millie a platinum ring which looked gorgeous with some precious stones on it.

"I can't take this Ethan. This is too expensive," Millie says but he puts it on her right hand ring finger and it fit her perfectly. She smiled at it and looked at him.

"It's perfect," he says and she saw a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you Ethan," Millie says giving a hug and kissed his cheek.

"You looked amazing today," she says and parts ways as he smiled at her. She goes into her own apartment and changes for the night as Ethan walks into his own and gets changed for the night because he didn't know what Millie meant with that kiss and compliment.

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