Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Alright, where does his location say he is?" Millie asks looking at Daniel.

"He is only a minute away," he confirms and she paces around the apartment nervously.

"Everything's perfect right?" she asks nervously.

"Yes Millie," Daniel says and she nods. She had decorated Ethan's apartment with balloons, food, drinks, a welcome back home banner and his apartment looked very clean. She had made some alcoholic punches with fruit juices, fruit pieces and some vodka along with cupcakes, cookies and cake.

"My heart is racing," she says and everyone laughs because she was never this nervous about anything. She was dressed in a full sleeved figure hugging black shirt and a tiny plaid skirt along with her black ankle boots. She had put her hair in a messy up do and she looked beautiful.

"He's downstairs," Daniel informs so Millie grabs the bouquet of flowers she had purchased for him and takes deep breathes.

"Good luck and I know you'll be fine," Grace says rubbing Millie's back and Millie smiles at her. They could hear the elevator ding and the doors opening. They heard shuffling and moving of suitcases outside.

"Welcome back home!" they scream as Ethan opens the door and the look on his face was priceless. He was surprised and was happy.

"Hi," Millie says handing him the bouquet of flowers and he takes it. He looked different. He had strong muscles which told her that he had been working out and he did look strong. He didn't have his glasses anymore, but he had contacts on which showed everyone his amazing Green eyes. His hair was a bit longer than before and it was messy but he looked amazing.

"I've missed you," he says hugging her and everyone moved aside to look at them.

"I have to tell you something. I wanted to before you left to Greece but I was too nervous but now I am telling it to you-," she stopped as someone opened the door. She turned around and looked at a girl with grey eyes, long curly brown hair and fair skin with pink undertones smiling at them. She was about two inches shorter than Millie and did have a great body and bone structure.

"Everyone this is Zoe Carras, my girlfriend and Zoe this is Daniel, Alex and Millie," he says leaving Millie's side and puts his arm around his girlfriend which breaks Millie's heart breaks. She couldn't believe this. She waited 4 months only for him to come home with his girlfriend.

"Hello," she says with a slight Greek accent and Millie was on the verge of tears.

"This is Grace Fields, my girlfriend and Grace this is Ethan and as he said, this is his girlfriend," Daniel says introducing Grace to them as Millie moved back shocked. Her hopes died and she was shattered.

She walked over to the fruit punch and poured herself some drink with extra vodka in it.

"Millie?" Zoe called and she turned around to find her smiling at her.

"I'm Zoe. I've heard so much about you," she says and Millie's eyes go wild.

"Really?" she asked and Zoe nods.

"Oh yes. Ethan has told me so much about you and he tells me you are an amazing singer," she says and Millie gives her a small smile. They all sit on the couch as Millie passes them something to eat and a glass of fruit punch.

"You know Millie, we should thank you," Ethan says and Millie looks at them shocked. She was sitting next to Alex as Zoe and Ethan sat next to each other, with their arms around each other.

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