Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Millie was dressed in a red fabric with frill detailing and a pleated skirt design. She teams this with golden high heels and simple pendant necklace and the ring Ethan had given her. Her hair was parted in between, curled and put in place with some hair pins while her pink ombre hair matched her dress.

Her makeup was kept natural and glowly as her eyes looked magical when she blinked due to the color of the dress, her makeup and hair. She looked breathtaking and she sprayed her perfume as she met Jaden who was dressed in a suit, looking handsome.

Today was the day Ethan and Zoe were getting married.

"You look beautiful," Jaden says kissing Millie's cheek and she smiles. She was still getting used to his strong British accent since he was from Britain originally.

"Let's go," she says and they sit in his car where as his driver drives them to the venue nearby. Zoe and Ethan decided to get married in a small, intimate ceremony outdoors in a private park and everything was set.

Daniel was Ethan's best man where as Henry, Alex were his groomsman. Zoe only had a maid of honor, her best friend who was originally from Greece but was settled in Los Angeles called Thea Angelos.

Thea, unlike Zoe was really sweet and extremely caring. She had gotten close to Millie and everyone else in such a short amount of time and seemed to be interested in Alex who was interested in her too.

Millie and Jaden were a bit late because Jaden was talking to his business partner who met him at the hotel so they rushed to the venue where Ethan had insisted on waiting till Millie and Jaden got here.

Zoe was glaring at Millie because she was stealing Zoe's light by dressing so perfectly. Zoe was dressed in a white broderie anglaise fabric short dress with frill detailing and a bodycon fit, team it with some strappy heels. Her hair was left open and she had heavy makeup on.

Just as Millie and Jaden sat down, the officiant asked them to exchanged their rings and Millie sat there with a sad smile on her face.

"Then with the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife," he says and everyone cheers as a tear escaped Millie's eyes and fell on her hand which she wiped off quickly. She stood up like everyone else and congratulated them as they walk back and it was time for Zoe to throw her bouquet of flowers.

As much as Millie didn't want to be a part of it, everyone insisted she go and Zoe tried everything in her power to throw it away from Millie but somehow it landed in Millie's hands.

"I guess that is my cue for being ready," Millie says looking at Jaden as everyone laughs getting her joke. Millie realized that now Ethan was married to Zoe and Millie could do nothing about it. She already knew it but it hit her deeply now. She turned around and looked at Jaden looking at Millie lovingly and at this point Millie realized something.

"I love you Jaden," Millie says walking up to Jaden and everyone was shocked because they didn't expect this.

"I love you too Millie," he says back kissing her and everyone cheered for them and Zoe hated it. They all enjoyed their morning by having breakfast and they came back home. Jaden had work to do so he left and Millie went home with the girls to have a girl's day.

"Do you really love Jaden Millie?" June asks and Millie nods.

"Yes I do. I realized that Ethan and I are not possible but now I have fallen for Jaden," Millie says opening her apartment door and they enter. Zoe and Ethan had left for the hotel room they were staying for the day so Millie invited Thea and Eden over with them to which they immediately agreed.

"Alright, spill some tea. Are you and Henry a thing June?" Kate asks and June blushes.

"Yes we are," she says and everyone cheers for her. They opened a bottle of wine and drank some.

"Do you think you and Alex will get together Thea?" Alexis asks and Thea nods.

"I can't wait for all of you to get partners, you know," Millie says and everyone agrees.

"You know Millie, I never got to say this to you but thank you," June says and Millie looks at her surprised.

"Thank you for what June?" Millie asks sipping on her wine.

"I never had friends you know. In school I was called a nerd and people only spoke to me for doing their homework or for taunting me. I always wanted to be friends with a popular girl like you but I never thought it would be possible but sitting here, being friends with you Millie, I am glad I went to the bar that day," June says and Millie got emotional.

"June, that's so sweet," everyone says as Millie gives June a big hug.

"You know what June said was true. Even I never imagined being friends with someone like Millie, someone fun, adventurous, talented, pretty, smart and completely opposite to who I am but I guess that is possible," Grace says and everyone agrees.

"Neither Kate nor I have been friends with someone with such pure intentions like Millie so I guess Millie is all of our dream come true," Alexis says smiling as Kate nods.

"So here's to Millie for being an amazing friend and for getting us all together!" Thea says and everyone toasted for Millie and Millie was emotional.

"I have to tell you guys something too. Sure I was popular in school and college but I never had real and honest friends. Everyone used me for popularity or for getting guys but you show we what true friendship is. So to all of us!" Millie says lifting her glass and everyone toasted to it.

"When are you and Kate getting married?" Millie asks looking at Alexis.

"We want to get married soon but we are busy for quite a while now so let's see," they say and Millie nods.

"Alright, we have something to ask all of you," Alexis says and Kate nods so everyone moves close to them to listen.

"Alright so we want June, Grace and Thea, we want you to be our bridesmaids and Millie as our maid of honor," they say and everyone was so happy.

"Of course," they say hugging the couple and Eden sat there, looking at the girls like a proud mother.

"Hello?" Millie says picking up her phone as Jaden calls her.

"Hey Millie. I was wondering if you are free tomorrow, maybe I'll take you out on a date?" he says and Millie thinks about if she had anything to do. She had taken a leave from the café and restaurant for today and tomorrow so she had nothing to do.

"Of course not. I am free," she says.

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow," he says ending the call and Millie turns to look at the girls who were clapping their hands so she was convinced that they had overheard him talking to her.

The girls soon left to go to their own houses and Eden stayed with Millie on Millie's request. They watched a movie and soon went to sleep too.

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