Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Everything's ready right?" Millie says running around the hotel room.

"Yes Millie. Everything is ready and is set for tomorrow," Thea says and Millie nods sitting down on her bed. They were all currently in France for Millie's and Jaden's wedding that is supposed to take place tomorrow.

"I am so nervous. I feel like something is going to get messed up," Millie says and Thea laughs.

"Everyone feels like it Millie but tomorrow will be perfect, I promise," Thea says and Millie smiles and lays down on her bed and places her hand on Thea's belly. Thea was now 4 months pregnant with a baby girl.

"It feels relaxing doesn't it?" Thea asks and Millie nods. It felt nice placing her hand on Thea's belly and feeling the movement of her little niece on her stomach.

She had asked Grace to be her maid of honor and the rest of the girls as her bridesmaids and they had agreed.

"Little baby, Aunt Millie loves you and is waiting for you," Millie whispers into her belly and Thea smiles.

Meanwhile, Ethan was in his room, searching for the book he had borrowed from Millie about a month ago. He wanted to read it so bad but he was busy and now since he had the time, he decided to read it.

He found the book and he started reading it. When he reached to the middle of the book, he found a piece of paper tucked in it and he opened it, curiously. It was Millie's handwriting, he recognized that immediately because her handwriting wasn't cursive and it was lean and neat.

He read the two letters she had written for him but had never intended to give it to him. The first one, he realized that it was written on the day he and Zoe told his mom they were getting the next day and the other one was written after he got married to Zoe but she had some trouble in her love life.

"Ethan, Ethan.

Why are you the way you are? Why are you so goddamn handsome and irresistible? I should not have fallen for you, not even after you got married to Zoe but you know what? I do not regret it one bit because you are perfect. You are the ideal guy every girl wants in their life and I did too but I was too late.

I always wanted to have this perfect guy in my mind and he was supposed to be the one who was the most handsome man in the world, he should be smart, funny, caring, tall and loving. I now realize that I was describing a man like you. You know what's more surprising? I always wanted to end up with a man who had the most beautiful green eyes and you do too.

I always thought I could end up with you but I guess we aren't meant to be together. I see Zoe as your wife and she is the luckiest person on this planet to spend the rest of her life with you. I wish I could take back the words I said in the previous letter about hoe cruel Zoe was because I guess I was just jealous that she was yours and I wasn't but what she did was 100% true.

I still look at you and wonder how can someone be so perfect sometimes? Sometimes I feel like I am ready to sacrifice everything in my life to just stay with you and watch you talk about anything. You will always be my science nerd and my geek.

It doesn't matter if I don't get to be with you because I can love you from afar. I can even love you and still let you go. I am letting the best man for me go to Zoe and I hope she treats him the way he is supposed to.

I love you Ethan. Forever and ever till the end of time.

Love, Millie," it said and Ethan had tears in his eyes.

"So Millie loved me all this while?" he says it out loud to himself as he cries even more. All this while, he thought that Mille didn't love him the same as he did and he felt stupid for ever thinking that Millie hated him when all this while she was trying to get over him.

He wiped his tears off quickly and wore his shoes and dashed out of his room. It was not too late to tell Millie now that he loves her too. Her wedding was tomorrow and he thought that he still had time to reveal his true feelings for her.

He went to the restaurant where he knew that Millie would be after he asked someone nearby. His heart was beating so quick that he thought it would fall out of his chest or it would stop all together.

When he reached the dining area, he searched for her and there she stood, in her beautiful pink satin slip dress with an open back and a thigh high slit. Her hair was left the way it was and she was glowing under the lights there and she looked breath taking.

He remembered the first time he actually fell for her, the first time he set his eyes on her and his heart had skipped a beat but as he looked at her and thought about approaching her, Jaden came in front of her and her smile grew wide.

He extended his hand and she took it gracefully and they started swaying to the music. Jaden pulled Millie closer to him and she rested her head on his shoulder and Ethan noticed Jaden's hand on her back and hers around him.

His leg was off the ground, waiting to be put down but he couldn't move. He knew that Millie had loved him but he didn't know if she still did and besides, she was getting married tomorrow. He respected her relationship.

He had loved Millie all this while, even when he was married to Zoe. He realized that the thing Millie wanted to tell him before he left to Greece and after he came back was that she loved him but she couldn't. He was the one she wrote those songs about too.

He considered himself to be stupid because he had the chance to be with the girl of his dreams and yet now she was getting married to someone else.

He looked at Millie who was laughing along with Jaden as he whispered something in her ear. There was no present sexual motive between them but he saw genuine love between them. He saw just how happy she was with him and how beautiful she looked.

He immediately turned around and walked back to his room, filled with regret, guilt, anger and sadness. Why couldn't he see the love in her? Why couldn't he see her love for him even though it was so obvious?

He lay on his bed and stares at his ceiling. He remembered every single conversation they had and every single time he could have been hers. Even as he closed his eyes, her beautiful smile and face appeared before him.

But now he could do nothing but stay happy that his love was happy with someone else. He could do nothing as she was getting married and she probably didn't love him anymore but he would always love her.

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