Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Have you set a date for your wedding?" Grace asks Millie as she and Thea enters Millie's renovated apartment. Millie with her money and with Jaden's help, had brought the apartment upstairs too and they renovated it and combined the apartment, making it two floors and it looked amazing.

"I mean, we think we might get married in autumn because Jaden likes autumn," she says and Grace nods. She was surprised with how modern and expensive Millie's apartment looked compared to her old one.

"That's great then," she says and they go to the kitchen to put their bags down. It had been 3 months since Jaden and Millie were engaged and so much had happened in the three months. Kate and Alexis got married about two months ago, Ethan and Zoe got officially divorced and she moved to a new apartment here.

Grace and Daniel got married too recently. They didn't have a big wedding, just a small one and it was so sudden that no one had time to prepare for it but they seemed happy so everything was fine.

"He wants us to have this big wedding," she says sipping on her wine.

"And what's wrong with that?" Thea asks.

"I mean look at Grace and Daniel, you had such a small and intimate wedding and I want that too. It seems small and cozy," Millie says and Grace laughs.

"Millie, we made an overnight decision to get married. I probably would've wanted a big wedding too but I'm happy now. We all have been to a small wedding, have a big one and maybe we can experience it too," Grace says and Millie nods.

"I have something to tell you all," Thea says and Millie looks at her confused.

"I am pregnant," she says and the girls screamed, hugging Thea. They were so happy for their best friend.

"Thea, oh my god! We are so happy for you," Millie says and Grace nods.

"How far along are you?" Grace asks.

"I am about two months pregnant," she says and they hug her again.

"We can't believe this. I mean, wow. There is going to be a little baby among us soon," Millie says with tears in her eyes and Thea laughs.

"Have you told Alex?" Millie asks her as they settle down.

"No. You both other than me are the only ones who know about it. So I thought we surprise them all tonight?" Thea says and the girls agree. They go to the store and buy all the supplies for the surprise party.

They started decorating Millie's apartment since that was now the apartment everyone hung out and it was the usual spot they come over every day after work. They soon set up everything and people started arriving.

"Wait, was there a party tonight?" Daniel asks and Millie along with Grace and Thea laugh. They all looked confused.

"No, but we have something to tell you all," Grace says Millie nods. Jaden comes in at the same time and Millie smiled at him. Jaden too was a part of their group and always came to Millie's apartment because he wanted to spend all his time with her.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, we can start," Millie says smiling.

"Come on, tell us what it is already," Daniel says and Thea laughs.

"Did you get married?" Henry asks looking at Millie and Jaden was shocked.

"You are?" Jaden asked loudly and Millie was surprised.

"Jaden, You are my fiancé. How can I get married without you?" Millie asks and everyone laughs.

"True," he says and Millie looks at him like he's mad.

"Did you have a promotion?" June asks Thea and Thea shakes her head.

"No, but that would be great," she says and everyone got restless.

"Alright just say it," Alex says and the girls look at one another and nod.

"Alright, there is a new member joining us," Grace says and everyone was still confused.

"That new member will be the youngest of all of us and will be a mix of Alex and Thea," Millie says.

"In about 7 months," Thea concludes and everyone understood what the meant.

"Thea! I am going to be father!" Alex exclaims hugging Thea and everyone hugs her too. This was truly a blessing to them because there was going to be a small living being between them soon.

They started the celebration, drinking the drinks, eating the cake and snacks. Everyone was happy.

"Millie, would you like to get married in the next month?" Jaden asks her as everyone left and she looks at him.

"In one month?" she repeats and he nods.

"Sure, but like where?" she asks and he was visibly happy.

"No need to worry about that. I already made all of the arrangements and the bookings are already done. We are getting married in France at Château of Vaux-le-Vicomte, in exactly a month and the hotel is booked for our families and friends," he says and she was shocked.

"Jaden, when did you plan all of this?" she asks and he sits down.

"I have been planning this along to surprise you," he says and she nods but she was upset.

"Isn't it expensive though?" she asks and he smiles.

"Millie, nothing is expensive when it comes to you," he says and he hugs him. He stays over for a while and then leaves to go home since he had work to do.

"Millie, I wanted to ask-," Ethan asks entering Millie's apartment only to find her head in her hands.

"Millie, are you alright?" he asks because Millie was never upset. She was a very cheerful person.

"It's just that Jaden has decided the venue for our wedding in France for the next month and he didn't even ask me what kind of wedding I wanted," Millie says and Ethan sat down next to her as she speaks to him.

"Where did he plan the wedding?" he asks.

"Château of Vaux-le-Vicomte," she says and his eyes go wild.

"That is huge Millie," he says and she sighs.

"I know it is and I really appreciate him doing it but I don't want a big wedding," she says and he listens.

"I always wanted a small intimate wedding with close friends and family attending it but it's just the opposite," she says and he holds her hand.

"It's alright Millie," he says and she sighs.

"I guess," she says and she looks at him.

"You wanted something. What is it Ethan?" she asks and he remembers what he actually came for.

"Yeah, I came for the book you were reading the other day," he says and she gets up to go to her bookshelf and gets the book he wanted. He was interested in the book she was reading and she told him that he could take it once she finished reading it.

"Bye Millie," he says walking out and Millie nods. She gets up and goes to her room and gets changed for the night. She still wasn't happy about the fact that Jaden had planned their wedding without asking her but she was grateful for it.

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