Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"How was your show?" Alexis asks Millie as she sat down next to Ethan.

"Oh it was wonderful," she says beaming.

"She was amazing. You should've seen everyone's faces there. They were all crying because they were so touched and they were screaming out the lyrics along with her," Ethan says proudly and Millie smiled looking at him.

Millie now had small shows where people online brought tickets and she played for them and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Her audience grew a bit and she was getting more popular.

Everyone was here. Everyone but Thea. Thea had stayed at home because she wanted to have some alone time as Katie was with her parents for the night. She wanted to have some quiet time, to focus on herself and her work.

As everyone was talking, Millie just kept looking at Ethan's face as he spoke to the others. She was automatically smiling and just thinking about how lucky she was and how much she loved him.

She looked at his lips as she spoke. The outside world was fading away for her. She couldn't hear anything anyone was saying because she was observing every part of Ethan's face. She was in her own world of Ethan.

"Mill?" Daniel says touching her arm and she came back to present.

"I'm sorry," she says and he smiles.

"You were smitten weren't you?" he asks and she nods.

"Don't worry. It's normal. That happened to me too when I met Grace. That doesn't happen with everyone you meet, just the ones perfect for you," he says looking at Grace and Millie smiles.

"I never knew I could love someone so much," she says and he holds her hand.

Just then someone rang their doorbell and Kate went to get it. She came inside with two letters in her hand and handed one to Ethan and one to Millie.

"What's this?" Millie asks opening hers as everyone looked. As she read the letter, she was shocked. She was all of a sudden sad.

"What was in it?" Thea asks since both Millie's and Ethan's face had fallen. They looked pale. They looked at each other and then back at others.

"We all got a letter saying that we have two months to move because they are demolishing the building," she says and her friends were shocked. This was out of the blue, out of nowhere.

"But why?" Henry asks.

"It's not mentioned. It says that some company brought this land," Ethan says.

"Who brought it?" Grace asks and Millie immediately takes out the letter and re reads it again and drops the letter. This time she was mad.

"Who is it?" Alex asks. Millie said nothing but picked up her phone angrily. She walked to the balcony and her friends could hear every single word she spoke.

"Hello, Jaden Traynor here," he says picking up the phone.

"You son of a bitch," she says angrily. Everyone now knew who was the reason behind the mail.

"Hello Millie," he says calmly. That pissed her off even more.

"Why did you buy the apartment complex and now you want to demolish it? Don't you dare try to and act innocent and calm, Jaden" she asks and he was smiling wickedly.

"Yes," he says.

"Yes what? Why?" she asks furious.

"Because I don't want you and Ethan to be together but I can't stop you but what I can do it break down the building, the building that brought you together. The building that made you meet one another," he says.

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