Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Did she really say that?" Millie asked as she laughed and put her drink aside.

"Oh yes! But that's not all. She even smashed her price of cake with butter cream frosting on Julie's hair and we have never heard a shriller scream than Julie's. Let's just say that," Alex says and everyone laughs. They were currently in Millie's apartment and they were having a few drinks.

"God I wish I was there," Millie comments as she sips on her drink, coke and vodka with more of vodka in it than coke. She had made some drinks for them too and they sipped on theirs.

"Hey!" Daniel says entering the apartment and everyone cheered back but he held the door open for someone else and a girl with red hair and brown eyes walked in looking shy so Millie stood up, put her drink down and went to meet her.

"Guys, this is Grace Fields, my girlfriend," Daniel says and everyone cheered for him.

"Millie Preston," Millie says and Grace smiles. Millie noticed Grace having pale skin and she was shorter than herself but she seemed sweet and genuine.

"Grace, this is Alex and Henry," Daniel says introducing Grace to everyone.

"Grace, would you like something to drink? Maybe some coke and vodka?" Millie asked and Grace nods.

"Danny, one coming up for you too," she says walking up to the counter where she poured some ice, coke and vodka into three glasses, one for Grace, Daniel and herself. She gave the glass to Daniel and Grace sits next to her in one of the bar stools, sipping on her drink.

"So Millie, how long have you known them for?" Grace asks. Millie noticed her dressed in a simple floral dress with a jacket where as she was dressed in some shorts and a crop top.

"For almost two years now," Millie says and Grace takes a sip of her drink and makes a funny face.

"Too strong huh?" Millie asked to which Grace nods so she put more coke into it.

"Where are you from Grace?" Millie asks curiously.

"Colorado and from what I've heard from Daniel, you are from Minnesota right?" Grace asked and Millie nods hesitantly.

"Wow, Danny speaks about me?" she asked surprised.

"Oh yes! He loves you. He talks about how protective you are of them and how fun you are," she says and Millie laughs.

"Well, Danny told me about you too. He really has fallen for you, you know," she says and Grace smiles shyly. They speak for a while as they sip on their drinks occasionally.

"So what do you do Grace?" Millie asked.

"I am a doctor, a dermatologist," she says and Millie's eyes go wild.

"That is so cool," she says amazed.

"What about you?" Grace asked.

"I am a waitress and a singer," Millie says and they talk about her work.

"Millie!" Daniel says and Millie stands up surprised and walked up to them.

"Millie! Ethan just texted me saying that he will be coming back day after tomorrow," he says and Millie's eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?" she asks and Daniel nods and she hugs him tight.

"That is wonderful," she says and hugs everyone excitedly. It had been 4 months since she's seen him and she missed him terribly.

"Who's Ethan?" Grace asks.

"Ethan is our other friend who has been in Greece for the past four months but what makes it exciting is that Millie is going to reveal her feelings to him, finally!" Daniel says and Grace hugs her really tight.

"That is wonderful!" she says after she learns their story and Millie smiles.

"Let's surprise him by throwing him a welcome back home party. What do you say?" Millie suggested and the boys agree.

"Alright. I'll take care of everything and all you have to do is come and surprise him," she says and they nod. They were excited for their friends to get together too because they say that they were perfect together.

"Grace, you will be there too right?" Millie asks and Grace nods happily.

"Is this something he gave you?" Grace asks looking at the ring on her right hand and Millie nods showing her the ring.

"He gave me a while ago and it is dear to me," she says keeping it close to her heart. Millie, whether she liked it or not, she had fallen for a guy completely different from herself and all the guys she's ever been with.

He seemed so perfect that she sometimes wondered if she was just imagining him. She kept smiling at the thought of seeing him again and kissing him. She wanted to run into his wide, open arms and kiss him as he entered.

She got butterflies in her stomach when she thought about him and she was the kind of person who never got butterflies in their stomach or even blushed but she used to blush a lot around Ethan and she knew that he hadn't noticed it.

"I can't wait for the two of you to get together," Henry says and Millie smiles at him. They soon get up to leave back home and Daniel mentioned it to Millie that Grace was spending the night with him and she was happy for them.

"Good night," she says hugging the last people, Alex and Henry as they leave and she closes her door and cleans her place because she couldn't sleep or rest because she just found out that Ethan was coming back home.

She climbs into her bed and snuggles into the warm sheets and slept with a smile on her face.

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