Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Bye Liam," Millie said walking Liam out of her apartment and kissed him. They did go out a few times and have spent a few nights together and the previous night was one of them. Just as they kissed for the second time, the boys came to Ethan's apartment.

"Hey guys," she said looking at them and they smile at her.

"Liam, these are my friends and guys, Liam," she said introducing all of them and they all nod their head at Liam.

"Alright Millie, I have to go. See you later," he said giving her another kiss and she smiled as she sent him away. She was already dressed for the day in some jeans and a crop top. She walked into Ethan's apartment so that they could have breakfast together.

"So, are you guys dating?" Henry asked as she sat down with her bowl of cereal.

"I think so. I mean we have gone out on a couple of dates, we have slept together so if that's what dating is, we are," she said and they nod. She was looking at her computer distractedly when her bowl of cereal fell on it.

"Shit!" she said springing up to her feet and ran to grab a cloth nearby to clean the mess. She managed to clean the couch and the carpet but her laptop, she wasn't sure about it. Alex took a look at it and he declared that the laptop was of no use.

"No! I had some of my songs saved on it, some amazing ones which I was planning on sending it to some producers," she said sitting down with her head in her hands. She had worked really hard on writing those songs.

"I'm so sorry Millie. I am sure you can buy a new one and rewrite your songs," Ethan said putting an arm over her shoulder but she just shook her head.

"I can't afford to purchase a new laptop now. I am back on my bills and I have to work extra already to pay my bills. I guess this will have to wait," she said and she stood up to change her clothes.

The waitressing money and the money she got after singing there part time wasn't covering her bills. She had started looking for more jobs she can do in her free time and she had found nothing.

"Alright guys. Have a good day," she said waving at the boys as she went to work. She eventually grabbed her guitar and ukulele and took the bus to a tourist attraction where she could play in a cafe and earn extra money.

She first stood outside a popular cafe and started singing one of her covers and soon a large audience was formed so the cafe asked her to come in and asked her to play inside their cafe. She set her stool and guitar up near the microphone and started singing a sing.

People were mesmerized by her voice and listened to her sing. They didn't even get up to leave even though they had work because her voice sounded incredible. They gave her some tips and she accepted them gratefully.

"Thank you," she said standing up and packed her guitar. Just then the manager of the cafe came and decided to talk to her.

"Miss, we have seen you play here most of the times and the customers love you. So we want to offer you a job here and play at the cafe for half a day and work as a waitress here," he said and Millie looked at him for further information.

"We'll discuss your salary and you can receive some tips from the customers," he said and since she needed the money she agreed to meet them and accepted their offer. She played for a little while longer and got more tips. The shift at the cafe got over so she drove to the restaurant.

She got dressed for her shift as the waitress and started serving the tables and she even sang when her manager asked to. She was exhausted from singing and working the whole day but she had to pay her bills.

When she came to Los Angeles from home, she did bring some money of her own but she spent it all on the first month's bills and now she had to fend for herself for the next months. On top of that, her relationship with her parents wasn't great so she couldn't ask them for money.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Millie asked spotting her friends and they smiled at her. They could see how exhausted she was but she was smiling brightly at them. They brought their usual meals and she served the others. When there weren't many customers, she walked over to their table to talk to them.

"I got a job at the cafe. I am a waitress and I sing there too for half the day before my shift here," she says and they smile, congratulating her. She brought them some free fries because the cook was her friend.

"Our university president is an asshole," Ethan said and Millie looked at him.

"Why do you say so Ethan?" she asked curiously.

"He won't fund the equipment our department needs," he said and the boys agree because some say that he was partial.

"Well be adamant and strong about your request. Show him how much it is important to you. I am sure he will fund it," she said and he sighs.

"I did try but it's like talking to a wall. Pointless," he said and Millie asked him for his mobile. He gives it to her. She opens his mail and types an email to the president of their university, demanding their needs and sent it to him.

"It's pointless Millie," Henry said but after he saw the mail, he was surprised. Anyone would change their mind if they read her mail because the way she explained it and demanded for it was marvellous.

"Now, let's hope he isn't an asshole like you said," she said and cleared their table. They went to their apartment and found Liam outside her door waiting for her.

"Hey," he said kissing her and she kissed him but was aware that the boys were watching them.

"Liam, I am tired today. I have been singing and working all day. I need to rest," she said sounding exhausted but he got upset and angry.

"Come on Millie. I have been waiting for you," he said kissing her neck but she pushed him away slightly. The boys did go back home and Ethan went back to his apartment but left his door open, just in case Millie needed some help.

"I know that Liam but I am exhausted. I have to work on the songs I lost today. Please not today," she begged him as they got in and closed the door but Ethan could hear it because they were very loud.

"You can do that any day Millie," he said sounding annoyed.

"But I have bills to pay and I have to make money some way. I can't pluck money off of trees like fruits now can I?" she asked sounding annoyed too.

"Millie, come on," he said and sounds of kissing were heard.

"Liam, I am tired today. I can't deal with you right now. I already have a lot on my plate," she said and Liam stormed off out of the apartment angrily and went downstairs. The door was left open so Ethan went to check on her.

She was rubbing her head with her fingers so Ethan made her a cup of hot tea and gave it to her because she had told him long ago that it calms her down.

"He just doesn't understand it when I say that I am exhausted. All I want to do now is work on some songs and get some rest. I've had a long day but all he thinks about is sex," she said and he rubs her back.

"I tried talking to my parents today but I failed. We got into another argument and they told me how disappointed they were in me. I did want to do further studies but I had to drop out after getting my degree in music and marketing but I had to get out of my house because it got so toxic. Now they say that it's my fault," she said with tears in her eyes.

"It's alright Millie. Parent's are always harsh on us," Ethan said hugging her and she stopped crying eventually. He let her complete her tea and he got up to leave her apartment.

"Good night Millie," he said smiling and she smiled back closing the door behind her. He lets out a deep and long sigh because he felt bad for Millie.

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