Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Alright, now are we all ready?" Daniel asked and everyone nods. They were all dressed in their favorite cartoon/ Disney characters. Daniel was dressed as Phineas, Alex as Ferb, Henry as Wreck it Ralph and Ethan as Tarzan.

They were invited to Millie's costume party that she was hosting today. Eden had left to go back home the previous day and she had invited Millie over to her house and Millie promised her that she would visit her.

"Let's go," they said opening the door and saw so many people already there at Millie's apartment, dressed up and were drinking already. The girls were all dressed as either sexy nurses, police officers or an animal where as the men had a pant on and nothing else.

They boys were the only ones who had actually "dressed" up. They walked into the apartment and everyone looked at them because no one knew but none of them said something. They just walked away from them as they sat on the couch, not knowing what to do.

"Guess we wait for Millie to come," Alex said and the boys nod. They sat uncomfortably in the middle of the ongoing party for more than half an hour waiting for Millie to come but she never did.

Ethan looked back and found Millie walking into the living room from her bed room dressed as one of 'The Plastics' from 'The mean girls' in their Christmas talent show outfit. And she looked incredibly sexy. Ethan looked at her as everyone in the room started talking to her and about her.

"You look so beautiful Millie," everyone kept saying and hugging her as he looked at her. Over the past few months of knowing each other, he had started having feelings for her. He fell for her social lifestyle, fun and adventurous nature, her beauty, kindness and talent.

"Guys you came!" she said coming over to them and hugged them all. They all were happy that she had found them finally.

"Wow! I love your theme. Disney and cartoon characters right?" she asked guessing and they all nod happily.

"You guys look great," she said and someone called her and she signaled them to wait.

"Come on, help yourself with some alcohol. Everything was on sale today so I was in luck," she said laughing and Ethan joined in too. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She looked breathtaking.

"Millie, you look-," Ethan started but Millie interrupted him.

"One second Ethan," she said walking to her door and Ethan turned to look at Liam standing near the door with a sorry board in his hand.

"What are you doing here? I asked you to stay away from me and I didn't even invite you," Millie asked furiously pushing Liam back but he held her hand and kissed it. She looked unsure.

"Millie I made a huge mistake," he said but Millie pulled her hand away.

"Get out Liam!" she screamed and everyone turned to look at them.

"Alright, alright. No need to shout. Liam I am going to ask you to leave," Ethan asked getting in between then but Liam glared at Ethan. Liam was much bigger than him so he was intimidated.

"Really? Now the science nerd is going to tell me what to do?" Liam asked pushing Ethan back.

"Get out Liam and dare you speak about Ethan like that. He is twice the man you are and smarter than you," Millie says pushing Liam back but he got angrier.

"Now you are taking his side?" he asked and Millie crosses her hand over her chest and nods.

"Any day," she says and someone came to help her by taking her side.

"Liam leave. You cheated on Millie and you don't deserve her," another man said and Ethan looked at him. He thought Liam was the only big guy at the party but this stranger looked stronger and powerful than Liam. He had big tan muscles to go with his messy light brown hair and brown eyes. He was about 6 feet and 4 inches tall.

"Leave now or you will get a black eye and few broken bones," the man threatened and Liam left.

"It's all settled guys! Go back to partying," the man said turning around and everyone went back to what they were doing. The boys walked up to Millie and Ethan and the new mysterious strong man.

"Thank you for standing up for me Ethan," Millie said hugging Ethan and he smiled at her. She hugged the man too and she looked so small compared to his big body.

"Guys, this is Zach Hill and Zach this is Ethan, Henry, Danny and Alex," Millie said introducing them all and they smiled at each other.

"Zach is a basket ball player for the state," Millie says and Ethan understood the reason behind his tall and strong body.

"Alright, come on," she said pulling them all towards her kitchen counter where there were some tequila shots. Millie and Zach go first. They lick salt off of their hands, take the shot and put a lemon to their mouth to which everyone cheered.

"Come on Ethan," she said looking at him but he just nods.

"Come on man! It's fun. Don't be a party spoiler," Zach said but Ethan just shakes his head and walks away from the crowd. The boys all were talking to some girls and they looked happy so Ethan just looked around for a while.

He walked out of the party and Millie followed him to his apartment where he was sitting on his couch with his head in his hands. She sat down next to him.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked and he looked at her. He was so attracted to her. He couldn't even take his eyes off of her.

"I am not someone like you friend group Millie. I do not go out and drink alcohol like it's my last day on this earth. I am not one of those attractive people you are friends with. I shouldn't have even come to your party," he said and Millie looked at him.

"I am a science nerd like Liam said and as Zach said, I am a party spoiler. I always have been. Ever since I was a kid, I was never the popular kid, or the one with many friends or a jock or someone who was handsome. I have always been a nerd and I still am. I do not know why I even bother to come to these parties," he said and Millie held his hand.

"Look from my perspective. You are the smartest guy I know. You are brilliant, handsome, kind, caring, smart, talented, and brave and someone with amazing eyes. Trust me Ethan, you are the best guy any girl will ever get," she said and he looked deep into her eyes.

Her piecing ocean blue eyes captured him and she looked straight into his mesmerizing green eyes. They felt a connection. Millie held Ethan's cheek and she moved forward and kissed him. He was shocked but he kissed her back.

Everything was going fine until they both pulled away abruptly. Ethan couldn't believe that she kissed him and he felt like he didn't deserve it and Millie was terrified. She couldn't believe she did that.

"Sorry," she said walking out of his apartment and Ethan was frozen to his spot. He eventually did get into her party but he heard some cheering and he turned to look at Millie and Zach making out on the bar stools. Everyone was encouraging them and he was heartbroken. He actually thought that someone like Millie would actually like him.

Ethan went back to his apartment and took off his clothes. He was so upset. He just lay in his bed thinking about what happened. She was just another popular and pretty girl who wanted to be nice to him, he ended up falling for her and she ended up kissing someone else.

This was the story of his life. It happened to him often and it didn't surprise him anymore but he felt like what he had with Millie was real and deep. He thought that she felt it too but he thought he was wrong.

Millie locked her apartment as everyone left and peeled off her clothes from the body. All she could think was that she shouldn't have kissed Ethan and even if she did, she shouldn't have run away from him.

But little did he know that she didn't run away from him but she ran away from the feelings she never had. She was afraid and didn't know what to do and she felt wrong kissing Zach but she wanted to be distracted.

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