Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

10 years later:

"Mommy!" she says running around the house as she drops the things in her hands.

"In the kitchen!" Millie calls out as she hears little footsteps running into the kitchen and hugs her legs tight. She looks down and sees her daughter, who looks like the mini version of her.

"Mommy!" he says running up to her and hugs her from the other side.

"Look at my babies," she says sitting down to their level and looks at her kids. Sylvie Rain Carter and Finn Ronan Carter, both 5 year old twins looked so beautiful. They had stolen her heart from the minute they had born.

"Willow! Sylvie! Inez! Finn!" Ethan calls out.

"They are in the kitchen with mommy, daddy!" Inez says as she lets go of Willow's hand and Willow runs and hugs the empty side of Millie's legs. Inez August Carter and Willow Noelle Carter were their daughters.

Inez was 7 years old while Willow was 3. They all looked similar with brown hair but Sylvie and Willow had blue eyes like Millie but Finn and Inez had green eyes, like Ethan. Inez was their oldest daughter, followed by the twins, Sylvie and then Finn, and the youngest one was Willow.

"Here you go mommy," Willow says handing her the bouquet of flowers that they had brought for Millie.

"Here mommy," Finn says handing her a box of chocolates while Sylvie hands her the balloons. Inez smiles and hands her mom a boxed gift.

"What's all of this?" she asks looking at her kids who gave her a cheeky smile as Ethan entered.

"We wanted to show our love to you mommy, on your 10th anniversary to daddy," Inez says as Millie smiles wide.

"Thank you loves," she says kissing each of her kid's cheek and hugs them before she walks up to Ethan.

"You didn't have to do all of this you know?" she asks as she wraps her hands around his waist.

"I know but you deserved it. It was the kids idea by the way, when I showed them a gift I brought for you, they were excited. How could you say no to their faces?" he says and she laughs nodding.

"You cannot say no to them," she agrees.

"Here," he says handing her a small box and she looks at it.

"What is it?" she asks but he just smiles and shrugs so she opens it. In there she saw a half crescent shaped diamond ring, a top part for her engagement and wedding ring.

"You stack it on top of your engagement ring," he says as she looks at it. He takes it from her hand and slips it on to her hand. Her finger with three diamond rings looked so beautiful.

"This is beautiful," she says and he nods.

"You are beautiful," he says and she smiles, looking up at him and kisses him by holding his cheek.

"Mommy!" the kids call from the kitchen as they break apart.

"Yes love?" she asks walking in to see all of them standing around the stove.

"Can we help?" she asks and she smiles. Ethan and Millie bring out 4 toddler kitchen step stools with protection out with the kids name on it and they stand on their respective ones.

"Inez, you measure some flour and pour it into the bowl, Sylvie you do the sugar, Finn do the vanilla extract, Willow do the choco-chips and daddy will do the butter, eggs and mixing ok?" she says looking at the kids and they all nod as she brings out the things for them.

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