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You get woken up because your alarm began blasting through your ears. You groan and roll in your bed to turn off the annoying sound. Once you turn it off you lay in bed for a few seconds procrastinating having to get up. Once you get out of bed you go straight to the shower. While you are taking a shower you can't help but think about all the auditions you'll be going to today. You have always dreamed of being an actress so the moment you graduated high school you moved to London.

As you get out of the shower you get a call from your best friend Raffie. The moment you answer the call you hear Raffie's excited voice through the speaker.

"Good luck today bitch!" Raffie yells, "I know you are gonna kill it." she says very excitedly.

"Thanks Raffie" you said smiling, "I'm sure I won't get any roles but"

"Don't say that" she interrupted, "t/n you are an amazing actress and you'll see that you are very close to getting a job" she said.

"I don't know. I've been to thousands of auditions this year and nothing" you let out a sigh and begin walking to the closet to pick your outfit for today.

"I know it is hard y/n but you'll see that one of these days you will get a role." Raffie said hopeful.

"I hope you are right," you tell her, "because this is getting harder everyday."

"You'll be great, I know it." Raffie said.

"Thanks Raffie." you tell her.

You spoke for a while on the phone. Raffie has been your best friend since we were 4. You met in kindergarten and have been attached to the hip ever since. You both live together but right now she is in New York attending the premiere of Little Women since her sister, Florence is in it.

You were so nervous driving to the audition that before you knew it you arrive at the studio. As you walk towards the front desk you see many young women who are here to audition too.

"Hello, are you here for the audition?" The guy behind the desk asked you.

"Yes my name is y/n y/l/n" You say to the guy and he begins looking for your name on the very long list he has on his hands.

"Here you are" he says and begins writing a number on a card, "here you go"he says handing you the card.

"Thanks" you tell him.

"When you hear your name you'll walk through the doors" he said pointing to two doors a few feet away from where the group of girls are, "good luck."

"Thanks" you tell him walking away to take a seat and go over your lines a couple more times.


You have been auditioning the whole day and are exhausted. Right now you are waiting to be called for your last audition of the day and all you want is for this day to be over. The auditions weren't bad, but they weren't excellent either so you knew you had to kill it on this one.

"Y/n y/l/n?" A young woman who you presume is an assistant called your name and you raise your hand, "you're next" she said. You got up and began walking towards her.

"Good luck," she said, smiling at you before closing the door.

Once you turned around you saw a table with 4 people sitting there, a fifth person behind the desk with a camera and a chair in the middle of a room. You walk over to where the chair was and with every step you took you could feel your throat getting as dry as the Sahara desert. Once you make it to the chair a woman finally speaks.

My Best Friend's Sister a Florence Pugh StoryWhere stories live. Discover now