Kiss And Make Up

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You cried so much that night that you don't even know when you fell asleep. you wake up with heavy eyes, you can feel your face is swollen from all the crying and overall you feel terrible about what happened. You are so angry at Florence but at the same time she is the only person you want to comfort you.

Luckily you aren't doing anything today so you can stay in bed the whole day and not talk to anyone. You get up and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. You make some scrambled eggs and sit to eat them while you go through social media. When you open Instagram you see many paparazzi pictures taken of you and Florence from your lunch about two days ago, along with hundreds of articles that keep saying that the two of you are dating. The rumors are getting bigger and bigger and eventually you know you'll have to deal with them.

You finish your eggs and don't even bother to wash the dishes, you'll do it tomorrow. You sit on your couch feeling awful so you do what you always do when you feel bad, call Raffie. You dial her phone number and wait for her to pick up, it's about 6:00pm in England so you know she must be home already.

"Hey y/n what's up?" she asks you happily through the phone.

"Hey Raff." you say without any emotion which she is quick to notice.

"Wow are you alright you sound terrible?" she asks you and you can hear the concern in her voice.

"Florence and I got into a fight." you say and can hear her sighing.

"Oh y/n I'm so sorry. What happened?" she asks you and you know she will probably have some very good advice.

You tell her everything that happened, from the moment you told her you were going out till the moment she left your apartment yesterday.

"I just don't know why she reacted the way she did." you finished explaining to your friend.

"Listen Florence is a very caring person y/n she has alway been and she always makes sure the people she loves are okay so I'm guessing that when you didn't answer and when she realized you were drunk she got extremely worried. I still don't know why she got so angry at you because she has seen me do worse." she says and you let out a small chuckle. "So maybe her anger came from her thinking the worst. On the other hand what she told you was awful the next time I see her I'll kick her ass. It wasn't okay for her to tell you that but y/n she is Florence, I really don't think she meant it is just that when she gets angry sometimes the anger takes the best from her. I'm not trying to justify what she said it was very wrong of her but I really don't think she means it. She loves you y/n so much, I don't think I've ever seen her so into someone so just talk to her okay? Talk like civilized human beings, communicate and I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Yeah I know that, I love her so much it's just that she hurt me and I think I might be a little scared of losing her." you say.

"You are not gonna lose her. As bad as you feel I'm sure Florence feels even worse so just give it time and you'll see everything will be okay." she tells you and you finally start to feel a little bit better.

You talk for about an hour more before you hang up. She manages to make you feel better and gives you good advice. You know you need to talk to Florence but right now she is working because she told you that this week she has meetings, auditions and interviews almost everyday so you know that even if you text her or call her she won't pick up.

You decide to go out and run some errands you need, like more toilet paper, some food and more detergent for your washing machine. You actually were meeting Hanna for lunch at In-N-Out you needed to talk to her about the whole Florence thing and she wanted to cheer you up which she did. Hanna is extremely funny and has an incredible way of telling stories that cracks you up every single time. After lunch you go to get some ice cream at this place you both really like and then you finally go home.

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