Is she mad?

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This week is the last week you have to do whatever you want since next week you'll start shooting your new movie. Everything is ready for filming to begin and you are currently on your way to meet your co-stars. You are driving through the busy streets of Los Angeles, nervous and excitement pretty much cover how you have been feeling for the past few days.

You get to this restaurant that Margot reserved for the cast. You park your car and get in only to see Margot and a few more people there.

"Y/n finally I want you to meet one of your co-stars and love interest for the film. This is Sophie Turner." she says and moves away so you can see a tall blonde woman. Oh god she is in fact Sophie Turner. Game of Thrones is one of your favorite shows so having the queen of the north in front of you is something very surreal.

"Y/n it's so nice to meet you." she tells you, greeting you happily.

"Likewise." you say shaking her hand very excited.

"Oh you are british! this is gonna be amazing! I'm so tired of hearing an American accent!" She says very excited and you have to admit, you are very happy to work with another British actress.

"Yeah born and raised." you say proudly.

"Really where?" she asks you.

"Well it seems like you two are really bonding so I'm gonna go now." Margot says leaving the two of you alone.

"I was born in Bristol but lived my whole life in Oxford, how about you?" you tell her.

"Northampton." she says.

"Do you live here now or just came for the film?" she asks you as a waiter comes and offers you a glass of wine which you kindly reject but Sophie happily accepts.

"I live here. I just moved here in January for another project but I've always wanted to live here and this was the best opportunity to do it." you explain to her and she listens carefully.

"That's so cool, do you live here alone?" she asks you.

"Yeah I do well my girlfriend is here too but we each have our own places." you explain to her. "How about you?" you ask her but you already know some parts of her life.

"Oh that must be nice, not being here completely alone" she begins, "I live with my husband."

"Oh that 's great! I heard your wedding was like the event of the century." you say making her laugh.

"Well I wouldn't put it like that but thank you." she says, sipping her wine. "You should come over for dinner though, so we can meet each other since we will be spending a lot of time together."

"Yeah that would be great! Just tell me date and place and I'll be there." you say excited to hang out with Sophie Turner.

"I'll talk it over with Joe to see when he is free and you can bring your girlfriend too." she says.

"Great!" I'll talk it over with Florence too." you say happily.

The rest of the cast started arriving and you got to meet them all, there were some actors you had no idea who they were and some of them who you know, like Sophie, Liam Hemsowrth and Mila Kunis.

They were all very nice, you all had lunch together, got to know each other a bit and talked about the movie. Right when everyone was about to leave you all made a groupchat.

You got into your car and started driving back home. You were halfway there when you got a call from Hanna.

"Hello y/n! Let's go get drinks tonight!" she says excited through the phone.

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