Back To Atlanta

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You and Florence spent a lovely time back home with your families. Christmas was amazing and you were happy to see your whole family together again after a year. By the time New Year's came Florence got to actually know your family and they all loved her, she was amazing the whole week.

You got back to Los Angeles and finally Melissa sent you an email letting you know that the movie you did will finally be out in the spring and that the trailer is dropping tomorrow.

You wished you had more time in LA but you need to get back to Atlanta by the end of the week so your week will basically consist on doing laundry and packing your clothes again, luckily Florence will go with you for two weeks so you don't have to worry about saying goodbye to her for at least 15 more days.

The day you get back to LA the both of you are exhausted so the second you get to your apartment the both of you fall asleep immediately.

The next day you happily wake up with a text from your agent letting you know that the trailer is out and that you need to post it on your social media so that is what you do. You go into Twitter to read the reaction of the world to the trailer and you are so excited to see that everyone is loving it and can't wait to see it. When Florence wakes up she does the same and you talk for a while how relieved you are the the trailer is getting such good reviews. The whole day you spend doing laundry just as expected and go buy groceries because the apartment had been empty for a few weeks so you need food.

"Hey should we order in for dinner? I'm still too tired to cook and then clean the kitchen." Florence asks you entering the laundry room and picking up the basket that now contains clean clothes.

"Yes please."you say, loading the next load into the washing machine.

"Is thai okay?" she asks before leaving and you nod letting her know it's okay. You always order the same so you let Florence make the call and you continue doing laundry.

About 40 minutes later Florence calls you letting you know that the food arrived and you go into the kitchen to get it. Flo hands you your food and you sit on the kitchen table and eat it from the packages not bothering to take out plates or even cups for that matter you literally ordered sodas because the last thing you want to do right now is wash the dishes.

"I'm so excited that you are coming to Atlanta with me." you tell her eating some noodles.

"I know I am too. I want to see you exercising because I won't be able to believe it until I see it." she tells you and you laugh because it is true. You hate exercise and honest training for Hawkeye has been really hard.

"Ugh you are so lucky you get to kiss Hailee." she says all of a sudden and you are surprised to say the least.

"What?" you ask her, very confused.

"Well she is gorgeous and seems so cool so you are lucky to kiss her." she tells you calmly without taking her eyes from her food.

"You are literally shooting sex scenes with Harry Styles Florence. Do you know how many men and women would pay to kiss him? You are literally getting paid to kiss him." you tell her putting your food down.

"I guess we are even then." she says calmly, finally looking up from her food.

"I guess so." you say eating again not being able to contain your laughter.

When you are done with dinner you finally take out the last bundle of clothes and put them back on your closet before cuddling with your girlfriend on the couch while you do a Grey's Anatomy marathon.

By Friday you and Flo are ready to head back to Atlanta and you go to the airport. One of the perks of working in a Marvel project and all the secrecy is that you get to fly on a private jet so nobody can see you going back to keep working on the project and you have to say, traveling on a private jet has got to be one of the best things ever. You can arrive at the airport 20 minutes before the flight, you don't have to pay extra if your suitcases exceed the weight limit and the plane is way more comfortable.

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