First Day

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The next day you woke up at 8:00. To say you were excited was an understatement, it felt you were high on adrenaline.You woke up the moment your alarm started ringing, got up and hopped into the shower. Once you were out of the shower you headed to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. While you had breakfast your thoughts began imagining all the ways this day could go from the good to the bad. You were overwhelmed with emotions, nervous, happy, scared, excited, worried, hopeful and so many more.

Once you finished your breakfast you left your apartment and made your way to set. As you walk through the set you can see so many people running around carrying stuff, bossing each other around and the excitement in your stomach grows. You arrive at your trailer only to be met with a very big bouquet of tulips. Tulips are your favorite flower so you walk over to them and see there is a card in there I pick it up and read it

Y/n happy first day! I hope you have an amazing experience making this movie and I can't wait to share it with you.

Love, Florence.

You finish reading the card and smile like an idiot over how cute Florence is. You look up to see the tulips, they are bright colors and beautiful. You notice there is something in the middle of it and you quickly realize it is a Box of Snickers. Snickers are your favorite chocolate and the one you took from the stash of chocolate Florence had hidden the day you fell all those years ago and you can't help but smile at the memory. You can't believe she remembers. You always kicked yourself for giving a lot of importance to something that Florence most likely didn't remember, or that's what you thought until now.

You leave all of your stuff at your trailer and then walk over to the hair and make up trailer. You walk in and meet the make up artists. You're not really there for a long time, just 40 minutes since most of the movie you'll be dressed like a normal teenager in high school. Right after you get out of hair and make up you walk over to the costume department and see Katy and Kim organizing a lot of clothes.

"Hi girls." You say excitedly.

"Y/n hi ready?" Kim asks you.

"Ready." You tell her.

"Great! here are your clothes for the day" Katy tells you, "you can go change there" she tells you and you walk over to where she pointed.

You change into a pair of jeans, a sweater, some shoes and get out. Kim fixes a few details and then you are ready to go. You get out of the trailer and walk over to the set to meet Melissa.

"Hi y/n this is Hanna, she will play Jane, your friend in the film." Melissa says introducing the two of you.

"Nice to meet you." you tell her.

"Likewise" she tells you, smiling.

"We'll just wait a few minutes till everyone arrives and then we'll start." Melisa tells everyone.

"Is this your first film?" You ask Hanna.

"No, I did this terrible film a couple of years ago but I think I'll count this one as my first one" she tells you, making you laugh.

"Noted." you say.

"Is this your first movie?" she asks.

"Yes it is." You tell her.

You keep talking for a while until Florence enters the set. The moment her eyes catch yours she smiles and walks over to you.

"Hi y/n" she says, giving you a big hug.

"Hi Florence." you say, hugging her back. Once she pulls away you turn over to Hanna.

"Hanna, this is Florence. Florence this is Hanna she will be playing Jane" You introduce the both of them.

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