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You arrived in London Thursday morning and decided to go surprise Raffie at your old apartment. You go take a cab back to her apartment alone since Florence is gonna go with her friends. The cab finally pulls into your street and you feel with happiness when all the memories hit back of the two years you lived there, all the countless times you walked through that street. You finally get to the front door and knock on it a few times.

Raffie opens the front door and her mouth falls open when she sees you.

"Surprise!!" you say as Raffie jus into your arms and you wrapped her in the biggest hug you have ever given her.

"What are you doing here? what the hell?" she asks, still clinging to you.

"I'm here to see you." you tell her.

"What? how?" Raffie asks, letting you go and moving out of the door so you can enter the apartment.

"Your sister." you say plainly.

"Florence?" She asks, confused.

"Well as you know she is coming back to the BAFTAS and she was coming here on a private plane and she was able to bring people on the plane and she thought I would like to come home so of course I agreed I needed to see you and my family." you explain to your friend how you ended up in England.

"Well then I need to thank Florence." she tells you.

"Are you going back to Oxford?" she asks.

"Yes, tomorrow with you." you say.

"Great then. Oh this is so exciting the two of us finally together again. Soooo what are we doing today?" she asks excitedly.

"Well I was thinking that maybe we could go out and get drunk." you say laughing.

"I would love that." she tells you, "We are getting drunk tonight!!!" she yells and you laugh.

The rest of the day the both of you cashed up on everything that has happened. Even though you haven't seen her in more than a month you missed her like crazy and were so happy to finally be able to talk to her in person again.

At around 8:00pm you started getting ready to leave for the club. At 10:00pm you ordered a cab and went to a bar a couple of blocks away from the club before going in. You order a few cocktails and feel yourself beginning to feel calmer. After a couple of hours you finally left the club and when you got in you realized how much you missed this. How much you missed Raffie, this club, your life in England. You were happy in LA but you were happy here too so of course you missed it and you were happy to be back. You approach your table and what you see surprises you. The rest of your friends were there.

Since you moved to London Raffie and you made some friends and this was a common thing to do so you were extremely excited to see them there. You see Rebecca, Tommy, Sam and Nathan.

"Oh my god guys!!! what are you doing here?" you ask, very excited.

"Well Raffie called the moment she saw you so we were all on board to this plan for the good all days."

"It's so good to see you." you say hugging them.

"So, shots to celebrate?" Nathan asks, lifting a bottle of tequila. Rebecca hands everyone cups and Nathan fills them up with tequila.

We all go to the dance floor and dance for hours as well as drink, you all have had an obscene amount of shots and it's got to a point now in which now the whole room is spinning and you know you are drunk. You are having an amazing time with your friends, you missed them, it was always incredibly fun to go out with them and you were happy to be here.

My Best Friend's Sister a Florence Pugh StoryWhere stories live. Discover now