Moving On

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You are currently on a plane back to LA to give your bone marrow to Jackson. You'll go to the hospital tomorrow, stay there for one night and then rest for a week. Luckily everyone at Marvel was very understanding of your situation and they gave you 10 days to get better. You'll only need a few days actually and once you get back you can do your normal activities, so there isn't really a problem.

The only person of your family you told about this is your mom, you know Amelia will be furious as well as Jack. Your mother understood the situation and actually said it was good what you were doing. You still hate the fact that your dad is using you this way but you can't let Jackson die even if he wasn't your brother you probably would have done it too.

The next day you wake up very early and go to the hospital. Florence was able to come with you and that makes this whole experience more bearable. She has been really supportive and just as she promised she hasn't left your side. She drives you to the hospital and helps you with the check in and everything. A nurse guides you to your room and then she prepares you for the procedure, you get changed to the robe, connected to an I.V. and she explains you some things. A few minutes after the nurse leaves the doctor finally comes in.

"Hello ms. y/l/n, I'm doctor Sullivan. Jackson's doctor and I'll be doing your procedure today." The tall woman says entering the room. "I'm sure one of my coullages has already told you how the procedure goes but if you have any more questions feel free to ask them."

"Thanks Dr. Sullivan but I think I'm good." you say your voice shaking a little bit with your nerves.

"Okay then we are all set. Someone will come shortly to take you to the O.R. and I'll see you there." she says before walking out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Florence asks, taking your hand and sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"I'm okay, just very nervous." you say turning your head to look at her.

"It's gonna be alright babe, '' I looked up Dr. Sullivan and she is one of the best at what she does. Besides, what you are doing is extremely selfless and brave."

"I love you Flo, thanks for coming with me." you tell her lovingly.

"Of course, baby always." she says kissing your hand.

You hear a knock on your door and see your dad and Evelyn standing on the door.

"Hi y/n, Dr. Sullivan said you were already in your room and she wanted to come see you.Also Evelyn wants to talk to you." your dad says and you nod for them to come in.

"Listen y/n I know you probably hate me and you have every right to. I know what we did to you and your family was awful but I just want to thank you for this. I truly have no words to tell you how grateful I am that you are doing this for Jackson." she says crying. Even though you do in fact hate her you can't even begin to imagine the pain she must be in knowing his child has cancer.

"Of course, but I'll tell you the same thing I told William. I'm not doing this for any of you, I'm doing it for Jackson because he doesn't deserve to pay for your poor life decisions.

"I know y/n, we have no right to ask you for anything but thank you." Your father says.

They awkwardly leave and you stay alone again with Florence. About an hour later a nurse comes in to take you to the operating room.

"The procedure only takes about two hours so when we are done we'll bring her back, in the meanwhile you can wait here, the waiting room or the cafeteria." the nurse explains to Florence and she listens. "When she wakes up she might feel a bit dizzy and with nausea but other than that she will be fine and feel free to call us anytime." the nurse finishes explaining and then she turns to you.

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