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The next day your family goes to their respective homes and you go back to Oxford with your mom and sister. For some weird reason Raffie doesn't have any classes this week so she is coming to Oxford and bringing Daniel, you are very excited to meet him, you are in the rental car currently driving back home with Florence.

"Are you gonna talk to your mom today?" she asks you turning to look at you quickly before turning her eyes back on the road.

"Yes Ameilia is gonna go out with a friend so I'm gonna talk to my mom then." you say.

"And do you know how you are gonna tell her?" she asks you this time without turning to look at you.

"I have no clue." you say shrugging, "I think I'm just gonna go with the flow." you say honestly.

The rest of the ride home goes by quickly since you sleep most of it. Florence drops you at your house and you can see your mom is already there, you take your things to your room and go downstairs to talk to your mother. You hate the fact that what you are about to tell her is gonna hurt her but you can't hide this from her.

"Can we talk now mom?" you ask her sittin on the kitchen table.

"Yes of course, what is it?" she asks you sitting down in front of you.

"About two weeks ago I went to this cafeteria back in LA and there was this guy who looked exactly like day, I freaked out and ran out of there as fast as I could. When I got back to Florence's apartment I told her what happened and she agreed to take a second look for me so the next day we went and she confirmed my thoughts and it was in fact dad." you say and you can see your mom's face drop. you are already hating this.

"What did you do?" she asks you and you can't quite point out how she is feeling.

"I cried and then I went to the cafeteria and confronted him. I asked him why he left us the way he did, why he never called, why he took the money. I asked him for an explanation." you say and look up to see your mom, she looks sad.

"What did he say?" she asks you and you really don't want to tell her but you know you have to tell her, she deserves to know even if it hurts her.

"That he wasn't happy that he felt trapped and that he needed a fresh start. On one of his work trips he met this woman and fell in love so after a while he decided to go with her. He's an asshole mom," you say, grabbing her hand as tears stream down both of your faces. "He's an asshole and we deserve so much better than him, what he did was horrible and unforgivable but at least we are still together Jack, Amelia, you and me. We are a family, we don't need him. You have done such amazing work mom, you gave us everything to be happy and you still do." you tell her hoping your words might help.

"Is he happy now?" she asks you without letting your hand go.

"That's what he said." you say.

"Does he have more kids?" she asks you.

"He has twins, a boy and a girl." you say.

"I'm so sorry mom." you tell her not really sure why you are apologizing. Maybe it is because your words are hurting her.

"it's okay honey, this is your fault, it's none of our fault and you are right we have each other and we are happy now. Thanks for telling me" she tells you smiling and you finally relax a little bit.

"Of course mom, always." you say holding a bit tighter her hand.

"I'm actually relieved you know? For the longest time I thought that hearing about him again, knowing what he is doing would destroy me but honestly I don't feel bothered." she tells you and you are very surprised. "I mean don't get me wrong of course it hurts and of course it makes me angry but not as much as I thought it would, I guess I'm so happy with my life right now that whatever it is he is doing I don't care. I have my three happy and healthy kids, I have a house and I'm healthy so I'm happy and whatever he does with his life is none of my business." she finally stops talking and you have to say, you are surprised. Out of all the ways you thought she could react this was definitely not one of them.

My Best Friend's Sister a Florence Pugh StoryWhere stories live. Discover now