I Don't Want To Lose Her

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Raffie and Florence are currently in San Francisco so that means you have spent the last two days going to every single audition you could. You are exhausted so you decide to stay in today in your pajamas and watch T.V. all day long. Florence and Raffie are coming back tonight and you are gonna go out with the three of you again. You are having breakfast and you hear your phone ringing and suddenly your day improves when you see your mom's name on the caller ID. She is calling you on FaceTime. You answer and are very happy to see your mom's smiling face through the phone.

"Hi baby!!! How are you?" your mother asks you excitedly and you can see she is laying down on her bed so you assume she isn't working today.

"Hi mommy I'm doing good, how are you? How's Amy?" You ask, you miss your family and you can't wait to see them again.

"Good, everything's good. Amy is great." she tells you and you can't help but smile. Your mom suffered a lot after your dad left you. You were glad to see her this happy.

"That's good mom, I'm glad to hear that." you say eating your cereal. "Do you have the day off?" you ask her drinking your smoothie.

"Yeah I do, so I'm just staying in bed the whole day." she says, like mother like daughter you think. "Oh my god mom, so am I. I'm literally staying in all day." you say showing your pajamas on the camera for your mom to see.

"You seem very happy y/n is everything alright? you are glowing." your mother asks, teasing you.

"Well I am happy mom I really am." you say blushing.

Who's the reason?" she asks knowingly.

"No one mom, I can be happy single." you scoff.

"I know sweetie, but I know you and I know that smile. Someone is in loveeeeeee." you're mom says teasing you and you keep blushing like crazy. "Okay mom I'll tell you because I actually do really need advice." you say getting a bit more serious and you see her do the same.

"Okay shoot" your mother tells you. You have always told your mom your problems, she is so approachable and loving so she always gives the best advice. Ever since you were little she's always supported you through everything. You had a rule growing up in which no matter what had happened you and your siblings could tell her anything and she will never judge you.

"I am in love mom. I'm so in love and so happy and I've never felt this way about someone before. I know this person is good for me is just that there is something, something that makes our relationship extremely hard. We just don't know what to do" you say sighing and walking over to sit on the couch completely forgetting about your breakfast.

"Why? Who is she?" your mother asks you paying you her full attention.

"Mom you can't say anything to anyone because we are not ready for the world to know yet so please don't judge. Because we know when we tell people some of them will have their own opinions." you say your voice trembling and tears threatening to come out of your eyes.

"Oh honey who is it?" she asks worried.

"It's Florence mom. I'm in love with Florence." you finally say and let the tears fall out freely.

"And you are worried Raffie won't be okay about it when she finds out right?" Your mom asks through the phone as you keep crying on your couch.

"Yes. What if she hates it?What if she makes me choose between her and Florence. I can't do that mom. I love them both and I don't want to lose her." you say fully sobbing now, "I love Florence mom I love her so much and I don't want to lose her either. She makes me so happy, I've never been happier. I hate lying to her and I feel like I'm gonna explode at any moment now."

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