Chapter 1 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

I woke up to the smell of something burning.. Plastic? No, it's something else. I climbed out of my twin mattress on the floor of my childhood bedroom. I'm careful to avoid the buckets catching the water dripping from the ceiling as I search for my high waisted jeans I thrifted a few years ago. I grab the gray hoodie resting on my dresser, leaving the shirt I slept in on underneath. It's always freezing in this house due to the lack of heating and the various leaks in the ceiling throughout the other rooms.

Once I'm dressed I head down the hall, following the smell, praying that they didn't burn the other side of the house down with whatever they're cooking. I'm greeted with smoke coming from the oven and I quickly open it reaching my hand in to grab the pan without thinking and burn my hand. I wince at the pain on the palm of my right hand "fuck fuck fuck fuck...." I mutter to myself, grabbing a dish towel and pulling out the charcoal black food. I toss it in the sink and run cold water on my hand, the skin already starting to bubble. I look over to the living room where my mom is passed out on the couch with a needle sticking out of her arm. She must have forgot she was cooking something, they're lucky I woke up when I did.

There are two men sitting at the small dining room table smoking and playing cards. Their handguns are displayed on the table next to their drinks. I recognize them, they run products for my father and somewhat act as his security when he needs it. They always make me feel uneasy staring at me and focusing on my ass when they think I'm not paying attention.

I turn the water off inspecting the burn, it's painful but not as bad as it could have been. The only working smoke alarm starts beeping and I try to  fan the smoke away with a dish towel but the alarm just keeps getting louder. My father storms into the kitchen and my stomach tightens.

"Of course you're the one behind this" He's angry which makes me suck in a breath and hold it.

I try to explain what happened "I woke up and there was smo–" My explanation is interrupted by the force of his hand slapping me across the face. Hard enough to lose my balance and fall to the ground. My cheek stung and there was a little bit of blood coming from a cut most likely from his ring.

"I don't give a fuck, clean this shit up we have important people coming over" He spat and walked into the living room propping himself on the couch next to my unconscious mother.

My father wasn't always like this, when I was younger things were good until I was about 8. That's when he started using, and eventually got my mother to start using. They didn't get into dealing until we almost lost the house due to their gambling. If I had the money to leave then I would. I like to think that but in reality I can't leave my mother here alone with him. I've been saving for the past two years thanks to my part time job at the coffee shop in town. But every time I get close to the amount I need, my mom ends up in the hospital and I end up paying for it. She's never hurt me growing up, she was an amazing mother before... Before he ruined her.

I stand up and pull open a drawer, grabbing a knife and palming it into my non-burnt hand. I walk to the living room with determination, stopping and standing behind the couch. Only a few inches behind him. I could end all of this.

I had dreamt about killing my father many times but I had never been brave enough to go through with it. The closest I had gotten was putting rat poison in his food but I didn't use enough and he just ended up in the ER for a night.

I think about taking the step closer, closing the gap between myself and the back of his head, it would be quick. But then there's a banging on the door and I stumble back a few steps, hiding the knife in my hoodie sleeve and moving myself back into the hallway, stopping to listen once I'm behind the wall and hidden.

I don't recognize the voices I'm hearing so I peek around the corner. I see three men standing in the living room, they're all in suits and I catch a glimpse of a handgun in a holster on the one standing next to the man who looks like he's in charge. I pull my head back, keeping out of sight with my back against the wall.

"I thought I had more time," My father says in a shaky voice.

"You've had plenty of time, do we need to remind you how far behind on payments you are?," One of the men says. "Dominic, tell the man how much he owes us."

The man named Dominic says a very large amount of money, I'm not even sure how someone could rack up that much debt, my heart is pounding in my chest.

I peek around the corner. The men that were playing cards at the table are now standing beside my father with their guns resting in their hands.

"I don't have the money right now.." My father looks around the room and his eyes land on my mother who is more awake now than she was earlier and he pulls her to her feet. "You can have her, she knows how to please"

"No no please" My mother starts to protest and He squeezes his hands harder on her arm to try and shut her up.

"That's gotta buy me some time right? She's gotta be worth a bit right?" He sounds almost like he's begging and the men in suits look uninterested.

"Please I don't–" My mothers pleading was quickly stopped with the sound of my fathers hand across her face. I watched her head hit the corner of the coffee table and then her body hit the floor and without thinking I rushed into the living room and got on my knees by her side.

"Mom!...please wake" I shook her shoulders but there was already blood spilling from the side of her head, I leaned down to check to see if she was breathing and she wasn't. Tears pooled at my eyes and an overwhelming feeling of rage filled my body as I stood up and turned towards my father. He's the one who did this. He deserves what's coming.

"You killed her," I said, staring straight at him, ignoring the men in the suits. All I could see was red. I lunged for him, stabbing him in the side with the knife I had in my sleeve. He immediately shoved me back into the wall.

The last thing I remember is the pain coming from the back of my head, then everything went black.

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