Chapter 12 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

It's been a little over a week since the Scream movie marathon night and the wounds on my hands are healed. I have mostly spent the time writing and rereading the few books I have, waiting for my injuries to heal. Victor told me I could stay as long as I agreed to do weapons training with Damien and physical training with Dom so I could work for him. I agreed because in all honesty, I don't have anywhere else to go.

My birthday is coming up but I keep it to myself, not wanting everyone to make a big deal. Not wanting to tell them and feel the pain of them forgetting about it so I choose to keep it to myself.

I've been having nightmares still but I usually just stay up reading until it's an appropriate time to come down stairs for breakfast. I'm supposed to start training today as long as Dom clears my injuries and agrees to start today. I slip out of bed and into my closet looking for something to wear for training. I changed into black leggings and a pink sports bra, then added a zip up over it, zipping it up halfway and slipping on tennis shoes.

It's 4:30am so everyone is still sleeping but I've been up since 3am and I'm too excited to wait any longer. I grab my journal and a pen then head down stairs and into the kitchen, click the button on the coffee machine waiting for it to brew. Taping my fingers impatiently on the counter and checking the time. 4:32am. I sigh and sit on the bar stool next to the kitchen island and open my journal writing while I wait for the coffee to finish brewing. I've been working on a fictional novel this week, scribbling everything down in the last few pages of my notebook. I get up and pour a cup of coffee, leaving my journal where I was sitting.

Lucas comes around the corner in plaid pajama pants and a graphic t-shirt, "Good Morning" He sounds like he is still half asleep and I grab another mug, pouring him a cup of coffee and handing it to him.

He smiles and takes the cup into his hands, taking a sip and looking over at the journal "What are you writing about?"

I reach over the counter and shut the journal "Nothing"

"You know, typing everything would be alot faster and you could password protect it if you're really worried about people reading what you write"

"I don't have a laptop" I wrap the leather cord around the book to secure it and set it back down.

"Do you want a laptop?" Lucas is looking at me with his crystal blue eyes.

"Good morning Luke, Good morning Beautiful" Our conversation is interrupted by Dom coming into the kitchen in jogging sweats and a zip up and running shoes. He grabs the coffee cup out of my hand and takes a sip "You make good coffee"

He's been flirting with me all week and If I'm being honest I flirt back every once in a while, it's harmless flirting and it means nothing.

I raise my hands in front of him "Look! All healed! See? I took the bandages off and everything is healed, can we start training today?"

He looked me up and down and set the coffee cup on the counter, taking my hands in his, telling me to squeeze his hands. I squeeze, "Hmmm not very strong"

I take my hand out of his and punch him in the gut and he groans, "Feels strong enough to me" Lucas bursts out laughing.

"Nice" Lucas high fives me.

"So, training today?" I smile brightly up at him.

"Fine, shortcake" He says, picking up my coffee cup and drinking from it, "but we are taking it easy."

"So what's first? Boxing? Self defense? Can we please start with self defense?"

"Running" He answers and takes another drink from the coffee in his hand.

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