Chapter 15 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

Everybody went to bed hours ago, I've been working in my study since dinner was over. Riley was acting stranger than usual at dinner, shifting in her seat and avoiding Dom. Probably because of what she saw at the Underground earlier tonight. I don't blame her, that scene isn't for everyone and I was actually surprised she lasted as long as she did. I was worried she might want to run after what she saw tonight but she's still here. I leaned back in my chair, stretching my back and peering over at the clock on the wall of my study. It was just past 3am. I sighed and pushed the chair back calling it a night, turning off the lamp and locked the door on my way out.

I liked when the house was like this, silent and free of distraction. I made my way up the stairs and before going into my bedroom I heard a muffled noise coming from Riley's room.

Not my problem.

I open my bedroom door and then I hear a scream. I rush to her room and swing the door open. Riley is sitting up breathing heavily and looking around her room. Her hair clung to the sweat on her cheeks and forehead and she was trying to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry for waking you." Her hand was on her chest as she took a deep breath. "Go back to bed, I'm fine, sorry."

"You didn't wake me," I said softly, closing the door behind me and stepping closer to her, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Are you okay?" I tried to keep my voice soft to avoid frightening her any further.

She nodded her head no and then began to cry. Without thinking I moved closer and pulled her into my arms. Her face buried in my chest as she broke into sobs. I softly rubbed my hand up and down her back and let her cry. After a few minutes she pulled away from my chest and wiped her cheeks with her hands. "I'm just gonna get up" She started to climb out from under the blankets.

"You're not getting up, it's 3am. Lay down." My voice was firm and she didn't argue with me, she layed back down and I lifted the blankets. "Move over"

She didn't move at first, "Why?"

"I'm tired and I don't trust you to stay in bed so move over." With that, she moved over and I slid under the covers next to her, pulling the blankets to cover both of us. I layed on my back, yawning and putting my arms behind my head, closing my eyes.

She was laying on her side with her legs pulled to her chest, and I could feel her eyes on me, even with mine closed I knew she was staring. "Sleep." I said and she turned around to face away from me, her backside pressed against me.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes looking over at her, watching until she was asleep. I watched her shoulders rise and fall with every breath. I moved on my side to face her back and pulled the blanket over her more, making sure she was covered. I drifted to sleep once I knew she was out.

I woke up from the light shining through the blinds and directly into my eye, feeling weight on my chest but I was warm and comfortable. I was laying on my back, Riley had gravitated toward me in her sleep and was now laying on top of me. Her face was buried in my neck, her hands were tucked under her, on my chest. Her legs were tangled with mine and she was fast asleep.

I sighed and leaned my head to the side trying to see the clock without moving and waking her. It was 6am. I leaned my head back on the headboard and sighed deeply. I need to get up but I don't want to wake her.

She moves slightly in her sleep pressing her leg right on my morning wood. I groan and gently wrap my hand under her thigh, lifting and moving her leg off of my groin. When she doesn't stir from the movement I decide to try to carefully move her off of me so I can slip out of the bed.

After a few minutes of slowly slipping out from under her and lifting her gently off of me, very careful not to wake her, I was standing next to the bed looking down at the angel fast asleep in front of me. I pulled the blankets up to her shoulders then walked over to her window and shut the blinds so the sunlight would remain out of her eyes.

When I left her bedroom, carefully closing the door behind me I was met face to face with Damien.

"Oh Goodmorning Sir, I was just coming to wake Riley. She's supposed to start her weapons training with me today." He stood in front of me in his usual black combat pants and belt with a tucked in black t-shirt.

"Let her sleep a while longer, she had a rough night" I sighed, walking past him and heading towards my room to shower and change.

Damien followed me "Um, were you? I mean, did you sleep with her last night Sir?"

I sighed, turning around to face him, "Wake the others we need to have a meeting." I purposely didn't answer his question because it was none of his business whether or not I slept in her bed last night.

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