Chapter 19 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

I've been working for a little over an hour until I'm interrupted by Lucas. He's holding a birthday gift bag at his side when he enters my study.

"Where's Riley? I wanted to give her this as like an early gift but I can't find her"

"She's in her room" I said, looking back down at my laptop in front of me.

"No she's not" He sounds worried.

My heart began to race and I stood up from my chair, "Where else did you look?"

"I looked everywhere, she's not in the house or in the yard" He sets the gift bag down on the floor gently.

"Damn it." I pick up the phone on my desk and call my head of security, trying to figure out if anyone saw her leave the house.

Dom walks into the study, "Have you guys seen Riley? I need to apologize and she's not in her-" He is interrupted by the cell phone ringing in my back pocket. I put the phone in my hand back on the hook and answered my cell phone.

I put the phone up to my ear. "Speak."

"Damn, do you always answer the phone in that demanding ass tone?" I instantly recognize the voice on the other line. The leader of the group who used to run this area before we took their place. Cesare.

"What the fuck do you want, Cesare?" I could see Dom and Lucas's backs straighten when they heard the name leave my mouth.

"Woah woah woah, don't get your panties in a twist. Just a second, your girlfriend wants to say something to you.." There's silence for a moment and I can hear what sounds like duct tape being peeled off something and whimpering, "Go ahead princess, say hi.." There's a muffled noise and then I hear her voice, "Victor? I'm in a dark room and it sounds like there's a-" She's speaking fast trying to give me as much information about her surroundings as she can until she's cut off. I hear a noise that sounds like a slap, and I can hear Cesare in the background, "Shut up Bitch! No more words out of you, tape her mouth shut." I'm walking out of the study, holding the phone to my ear.

My heart sinks when I hear her voice on the other line and all I feel is rage. I'm going to kill every single person who played a part in this starting with Cesare.

Damien is already in the armory when the rest of us walk in. Lucas is grabbing knives since he still doesn't have gun privileges and Dom starts to load up while I tuck my signature guns into the harness under my arm, holding the phone with my other hand.

Cesare is back on the phone, "10 million or we kill the girl"

I stop what I'm doing, "Lay a hand on her again and I will skin you alive."

He laughs at my threat "You have 30 minutes. I'll text you the location." He hangs up.

"Is she okay? Is she hurt? Where are they? Victor?" Dom was bombarding me with questions but I needed a second to think.

I have usually never been this lost for an idea on how to handle a situation like this but I can't stop imagining her tied up surrounded by Cesare and his men. After taking a deep breath and trying to clear my head I was able to give him an answer. "Cesare and his men have her tied up somewhere, he wants 10 million dollars or he's going to kill her" I opened the safe at the back of the room and started loading a duffle bag full of stacks of bills.

"What are we going to do sir?" Damien was standing straight, next to the others.

"We're going to get her back" I zipped the duffle bag closed and stood up, "and then we are going to kill the pricks who took her." 

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