Chapter 21 - Lucas's POV

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Lucas's POV

I had never seen her like this before. She didn't even turn to look at me, she stayed frozen over the lifeless body below her.

Her hands were covered in blood.

I froze in my place, trying to comprehend what I was seeing. I heard a gunshot from down the hall which snapped me back into the present. They sent me to find her while they took care of Cesare's team. I have one job, to get her out of here.

I walked closer and instinctively took off my jacket. She flinched when I wrapped it around her shoulders, "It's just me, you're okay. We're going to get you out of here." She looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and blood splattered across her skin. It took her a moment but when she realized it was me she melted into my arms. I carefully scooped her up and stood up slowly, walking out of the small dark room and into the hall.

In the hallway Damien and Victor are covered in blood, dead bodies at their feet. They both stop and stare at me when they realize I'm holding her.

Victor starts towards me "Is she -"

"She's alive. In shock, I think.. Where's Dom?"

"He's on his way back to the house with an unconscious Cesare." Damien answered my question while wiping the blood off his knife and onto his pant leg.

Victor was standing in front of me now, sliding his hands under her, offering to carry her to the car. She held tightly onto my shirt and showed no signs of letting go. "It's okay, I got her." I reassured Victor and he stepped back.

Moments later we were in the car, Riley in my lap the whole ride home. The drive was dead silent except for the sounds of Riley softly sobbing into my neck. I tried to comfort her the best I could, whispering calming words into her ear. Reminding her she was safe now and nothing would hurt her.

Once we were home and she was in her bed we decided to take shifts with her to make sure she wasn't left alone. The doctor we have on call for worse injuries, things like gunshot wounds and other things we can't go to a hospital for, gave her a sedative to calm down and hopefully get some sleep. He also tended to the scrapes and bruises she had and I layed with her until she let go of my shirt and Damien traded me shifts.

I followed the smell of food downstairs to the kitchen where I heard Victor and Dom talking. They were both changed into clean clothes, not a drop of blood in sight besides the blood on my clothes.

"She shouldn't have been out there" Victor was talking through gritted teeth.

"Why was she?" I spoke up looking back and forth between Victor and Dom waiting for an answer.

"Ask him," Victor scoffed and gestured towards Dom.

"We had a misunderstanding and I-" That's all I heard leave his mouth before I was on top of him swinging as hard as I could, every ounce of rage I had towards the men who did this to her was being directed towards Dom. He's the reason she left. He's the reason she was hurt. It wasn't until Victor tore me off of Dom that I realized Dom didn't fight me back, he just laid there and took every punch.

"Stop" Victor yelled as he held my arms behind my back until I calmed down. When he let go I stared directly at Dom.

"This is your fault. Whatever you did, undo it." I spat out the words in a nasty tone. A tone I haven't used in a long time.


I promise the next chapter is less dark and gloomy :)

Sorry for the long wait time between updates. Im hoping to have some extra time on my hands to update more frequently soon!

Thank you for all the votes and comments!!! I appreciate it!!

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