Chapter 18 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

I frantically pull the duffle bag out from under my bed and start to fill it full of my books, my stuffed bunny, some clothes and other essentials. I can't stay here any longer. I can hear voices talking outside my door. I need to leave as soon as possible before things get worse. They always start with pushing you into the ground, then they apologize, and then they start hitting you and pushing flames to your skin. They apologize but they don't mean it. I won't stay here long enough to find out if that is where this is heading.

I zip up the duffle bag and slide a hoodie over my clothes, I lean my head against the door to listen for noise but I don't hear anything. I slowly unlock the bedroom door and carefully push it open. The hallway is empty and I hear the shower coming from Dom's room. I sneak down the stairs and into the garage, closing the door behind me. I duck behind the car in front of me to stay out of the security guards view. There are 2 men in suits with ear pieces but they seem to be distracted, talking to each other and not paying attention.

I gently open the door of the fast car to my right and slide into it, the keys are already in the ignition. I've only driven maybe one or twice, and never got my license because I could never afford a car so I was usually walking or using public transport. But how hard could it be?

I start the engine, put it in reverse and pull out of the spot, clicking the garage door open and driving out, picking up speed once I was on the road. It's just like riding a bike. 

Once I was out of the property and onto the freeway I could feel my heart racing, I got to take a second and look around the expensive car I was driving. A smile spread across my face as I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal and picked up speed. I was screaming out the window and having the time of my life until I noticed the flashing 'E' on the dashboard. Fuck. I'm almost out of gas. I get off the highway and pull into the closest gas station, it looks sketchy and there's another expensive looking car with two men who nod at me when I step out of the car.

I ignored them and headed inside to pay for the gas. I only had a $20 bill on me so I would have to make that do until I could figure something out. I walked back to the car and placed the pump into the gas tank and waited. There was only one man waiting by the expensive car, the other one must have gone inside. Once I was done hanging the pump back up I slid back into the drivers side and closed the door. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw one of the men from outside, sitting in the backseat of the car with me. But before I could let out a scream something collided with my head and I was out cold.


My head was pounding and my wrists burned, I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room with only a single light hanging from the ceiling. It smelled like iron and sweat and my vision was a little blurry but starting to gain more focus as I blinked. I was in a chair, my hands bound to the arms of the chair with rope, my skin rubbed raw from pulling against them. My ankles were duct taped to the legs of the chair so I couldn't move. I pulled against the restraints on my wrists but stopped when I heard a door behind me open. Three men filed in and stood in front of me, the one in the middle looked like he was in charge. They were all in suits and had the same tattoos on their necks and under their left eye. "Who are you? Where am I?"

The leader leaned down until his face was inches from mine and I could smell the cigarettes and alcohol on his breath, "Welcome to hell" was all he said.

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