Chapter 7 - Lucas's POV

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Lucas's POV

"Why don't you ever let me drive?" I ask, sliding into the passenger seat. "you guys never let me do anything."

Dominic starts the car and looks over to me rolling his eyes "You're so dramatic."

I know I'm right, Victor keeps telling me I'm not ready so he makes me wait in the car, Dominic never lets me drive when we go run errands for the others and Damien won't grant me permissions to carry my own gun until I pass his stupid test. They all treat me like a child, I'm not a child, I'll be 21 soon and they're only a few years older than me.

Dom turns the radio on, something we're only able to do when Damien and Victor aren't in the car with us. One thing I do like about Dom is that he usually lets me sift through channels and skip songs without putting up a fight. The rest of the drive goes by pretty fast especially since Dom doesn't know how to refrain from driving above the speed limit.

The mall closest to the house is huge, we should be able to get everything we need here without having to make any more stops. We park the car in the parking garage and make our way inside the building, "Let's go in there first it smells good" Dominic points to a Bath and Bodyworks. I've never been in one before but he's right, it did smell nice.

I instantly see all the candles on the shelves, "Victor said to get her bathroom stuff not candles"

"Look" He lifts up a pink bottle of body wash, "Bathroom stuff" He smiles wide and pops the cap off, smelling the soap. "Oh that smells good, let's get this"

I grab a hand held basket and hold it down by my side, I pick up a scented candle and inhale instantly coughing and setting it back down. The next one I pick up smells like fresh linen and I place it in the basket, along with one that smells like cinnamon and one that smells like the ocean. I turn around and Dominics arms are full of various colored body lotions and soaps and he's holding a bag of soap in the form of balls. "Does she really need all that?" I groan as he fills the basket in my hand.

"Probably not but I don't know what she likes to smell like. So now she has options" he smiles and holds the bag of colorful soap balls in front of me "These are bath bombs, the lady at the desk said that you put them in a warm bath and they fizz and change the water color. They're also supposed to be really relaxing." He tosses the bag in the over-filled basket.

"Does she need that many?" I say looking down at the bag of 30.

"I was gonna give her a couple and keep the rest for myself" He jokes and I can tell he's joking because his voice changes slightly.

"Ha ha very funny" I take the basket up to the counter and Dom pulls out the black card and swipes it and within a few minutes we are both carrying a Bath and Bodyworks gift bag at our side.

Dom spots a Victoria Secret and without hesitation walks through the doors, I stay at the entrance, "Dom, this isn't on the list" I raise my voice slightly so he can hear me while he admires the mannequins in lace panties.

"Victor said pajamas, clothes, and the essentials. Panties fall under that category Lucas" He sifts through the drawer in front of him.

Damn it he's right. I walk into the store keeping my eyes glued to the floor not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable.

A cute blonde comes up to us "Can I help y'all with anything this fine evening?" She had a sweet southern accent and her eyes stayed looking up at Dom.

"Well hello gorgeous, I'm shopping for a friend. She's about 5'3 maybe 5'4, petite." He holds up a few different pairs of panties in his hand "I need a few of each of these in her size, Oh and that right there" He points to a bra on a mannequin. "Go ahead and bag a few sizes just in case."

I nudge Dom and keep my voice low and my eyes on the floor. "She needs pajamas."

"Oh right, and I'll take a few of those cute silky pink pajama sets and throw in a few silk robes." He adds and reaches for his wallet in his back pocket.

"Wow, what a lucky girl" there's a hint of jealousy in her voice then she leads us to the front counter where someone is bagging up all the items, "Cash or Card?"

"Card" Dom responds, sliding his card onto the counter and over to the cute blonde.

We hit the next shop for bathroom essentials like toothbrushes, paste, a hair brush and so on.

"Look this one is electric and it's guaranteed to get the deepest clean" I said, holding a packaged toothbrush in my hand reading the back.

"Let's get this one" Dom says holding up an adult size, non-electric but very pink toothbrush.

I roll my eyes, "You don't have to get everything in pink"

"She's a girl. Girls like pink" He snaps back.

I corrected him, "She's a woman, and she probably wants a toothbrush that will do the job over a pink one" and placed my electric toothbrush into the basket.

"Okay then let's make a bet, we'll get both and whichever one she chooses, the loser owes $100" He says tossing his into the basket.

"Fine" I'm very confident in this bet and I rarely lose bets to Dom so this should be fun.

After we argue over the rest of the essentials and toss them into the basket. We check out and head to the next store. At this point we both have several shopping bags in our hands as we walk through the mall. We spot a Clothing store and head in, "How are we supposed to shop for clothes we don't even know what she likes to wear"

"Let's just get a few staple pieces, like jeans and t-shirts and stuff and then we can bring her back later." He sets the shopping bags down and starts holding up shirts against me.

"What are you doing?" I step back, setting down the bags in my hands.

He chuckles "Well you guys are closer in height than I am to her so I'm using you as a reference."

"Knock it off" I shove him and he laughs tossing the shirt back onto the table, obviously just trying to get a rise out of me.

We settle on getting everything in extra small, small and medium and leaving it up to her for whatever she's comfortable with. Were about to leave the store when Dom spots the swimsuits and I groan, "It's not essential"

"Yeah but what if she wants to go swimming in the huge ass pool we have that nobody uses." He says, raising an eyebrow at me. He holds up a bikini, "What size bathing suit do you think she is?"

"That worker looks like she's the same size as Riley" I motioned for her to come over to where we are standing next to the swim suits.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" Her eyes linger on Dominic for a few seconds longer before her attention shifts to me.

"Yes, what size swimsuit do you wear?" I ask without taking a second to think about my words.

"Excuse me?" She looks upset and takes a step back.

"What my brother here means to say is, we're looking to buy a swimsuit for a friend of ours but we don't know her size and we couldn't help but notice you both have the same flattering and petite body." Dominics eyes look her up and down and she is no longer uncomfortable.

She's blushing and looks a little flustered tucking her hair behind her ears. "Well your friend is a lucky girl, right this way" She leads us to a wall of swimsuits and points to the racks that are in her size. "Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with"

"Oh we will, thank you beautiful" Dominic flirts and watches her ass as she walks away.

I elbow him in the side, "Subtle" I mutter under my breath.

He picks out a bunch of different colored two pieces and I pick out some one pieces in case those make her uncomfortable. We checked out and carried all of our shopping bags back to the parking garage. I had a weird feeling that we were being watched as we loaded the car and closed the trunk. I looked around but didn't see anyone, parking garages are always unsettling, it's probably just in my head.

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