Chapter 13 - Dominic's POV

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Dominic's POV

The Underground is a filthy place full of filthy men and if I thought I could convince her to stay home then I would but if I've learned anything in the past week it's that: Riley is stubborn. Very stubborn. I slide on the shorts I wear when I fight and cover them with sweats and a hoodie, once I'm ready I head downstairs. They're all waiting by the front door for me and my eyes go straight to Riley's outfit. She's wearing ripped black skinny jeans paired with a belt, a cropped gray vintage band t-shirt and her converse. Her red hair is braided back in two dutch braids, out of the way of her beautiful face just the way I like it. She had minimal makeup on and so I could still see her freckles which made me smile.

"Ready?" She smiled up at me, practically jumping up and down with excitement.

For the first time in years, I was actually nervous for tonight's fight.

My opponent wasn't what I was afraid of, I was more so worried about Riley's safety and for everything she might see tonight. I become a different person when I'm in the ring and I'm worried that it might scare her away from me for good.

"Yep." I was short responding to her and the look on her face told me I hurt her feelings. I need to stay focused today, I can't get distracted.

We all walked out to the garage and got into a car that could hold all of us. Victor took the drivers seat, I took the passenger seat to avoid Riley and the rest of them piled into the back seat.

I tried to keep my mind focused on the fight but it was hard with the amount of laughing that was going on in the back seat between Lucas and Riley.

"I could totally kick your ass" Riley was between Lucas and Damien, her legs were turned towards Lucas when she teased him.

Lucas scoffed "You have no training, Dom hasn't taught you anything, I could easily take you down"

"Oh yeah?" She pushed. And we pulled up to the Underground before Lucas got the chance to respond.

"Here we are, the Underground." Victor said pulling into the spot we always park. There were alot of people out on the streets tonight, the neon lights flickering around like usual giving me a slight headache.

We all pile out of the car, "Woah this is so cool" Riley is looking around at the lights and the people. It was late so people were already partying, and drunk, being loud and smashing shit.

I sighed and went up to Riley putting a hand on her shoulder, "Stay with Damien and Victor tonight, you promised."

She nodded looking a little scared at how serious I was acting. I let go of her and started walking towards the entrance.

Victor walked close behind me followed by Riley, Damien, then Lucas. We walked down the long steps into the Underground Pit where all the fighting took place. It was way louder in the Pit than it was on the streets. The caller on the mic calling out everything that was happening in the ring. There were less important fights happening before mine that were currently going on. Sweaty bodies were shoulder to shoulder, we had to make space to get through. Which was easy because as soon as they seen who was pushing through the crowd they backed up. We finally make our way to the back where the other fighters prepare to go into the ring.

Riley looked like she was bouncing off the walls, none of what she saw scared her, she was excited. "Did you see that huge guy with the Octopus tattoo? Oh my god he hit the guy in the head with a beer bottle I've never seen something like that before and then he-" She was beaming, talking to Victor about what she saw.

I took off my sweats and hoodie and started warming up, that got her attention. She was no longer talking to Victor, she was watching me stretch and get my heart rate up. Her eyes on me were making me nervous, my stomach was turning, I couldnt have her back here watching me warm up. "You guys should go get a spot, I'm up next." The guys nod and start to head out but Riley walks up to me.

She stood in front of me and placed her arms on my shoulders, wrapping her hands to the back of my neck, I wanted to wrap my arms around her tiny frame and pull her in but I settled for resting my hands on her hips. "I'll be the one yelling the loudest" She went on her tippy toes and I leaned down slightly, then she places a soft kiss on my cheek, "Good luck" She smiled adorably, and just like that she was gone. Walking through the doors with the others and I was left standing there, heart racing and full of nerves.

Focus, I need to focus.

My name is called and I make my way through the doors and into the ring. My opponent was the same size as me and he was covered head to toe in tattoos. He had a few facial piercings and was looking em up and down, sizing me up. I look behind him and into the crowd. Riley is sitting on Damien's shoulders, her hands are cupped around her mouth as she cheers for me. My opponent turns to look at what I'm looking at, "Aw, how sweet, your little bitch is here to watch you fail" My blood began to boil and I swung, landing a punch across is face. He lands a punch in my gut and I stumble back.

He spits blood to the side of the ring "Don't worry, I'll keep her bed warm after I win."

That's all it took. I see red. The next thing I know I'm back in the warm up area and my hands are covered in blood. I don't remember the fight.

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