Chapter 27 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

After a long day at the beach, everyone was back in the suite winding down, taking showers and getting ready to lay down for the night. It turns out Victor bought the adjoining room with two queen size beds for everyone to sleep in. The huge beautiful suite with the balcony was just for him. I was sitting on one of the queen size beds with wet hair in my pajama shorts and oversized shirt. My back was against the headboard and Lucas was next to me showing me how to play his nintendo switch.

Damien was in the other bed, already trying to sleep and Dom was in the shower, washing off the sand from today's events.

"Like this?" I asked, playing the game like he showed me.

"Yes, exactly" He had a soft smile on his face, he had slowly inched his way closer to me while I was playing. He had an arm stretched behind me like in all of the cheesy movie dates you see on tv.

I looked over at him and we locked eyes for a moment and he leaned in and kissed me. It was a soft and gentle kiss, it was nice but inexperienced. I could tell he was nervous. The sound of the bathroom door opened making us jump and he moved a few inches away in response.

Damien was standing at the end of the bed with wet hair in nothing but his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. My eyes stayed on his v-line a little too long and he noticed.

"Move pipsqueak" Dom was talking to Lucas, whose cheeks were red from what we had just done. 

"Damien said that you were sharing with him and I was sharing with Riley" Lucas tried to hold his ground the best he could.

"Move or I'll move you" He was stern in his demand and it made my face turn a light shade of red.

Lucas sighed and gently took the switch from my hands, "Goodnight Riley" He glanced at Dom and then back at me and placed a soft kiss on my cheek before sliding off of the bed.

Dom crawled onto the bed, laying next to me, facing me and propping his head on his arm. He gave me that look that he gave me the last time we were in bed together and he was making me... I shook my head "Not happening"

He chuckled softly and leaned over me, his lips almost touching mine and holding them there for a moment before clicking the lamp off on the other side of me. "Your loss shortcake" and then pulled away and laid down leaving me hot and bothered.

Once we were both under the covers he fell asleep rather quickly and in his sleep, wrapped an arm around me. It was sweet but I was overheating and every time I was about to fall asleep all I could hear was Damien snoring. The red digital clock showed 3:00am and I groaned quietly to myself. I needed a different place to sleep.

I made the decision to try to slide out of Dom's arms and go sleep on the couch in Victor's room. I made my way out of the bed without waking anyone up and placed my hand on the handle to the door that joins the two rooms together. I sighed and slowly pulled it open, trying to make as little noise as possible. I closed the door behind me, all the lights in his room were off and I couldn't see anything. I tried to make my way to the couch but I rammed my leg into the corner of the coffee table and cursed. Within seconds the bedside lamp clicked on and there was a little more light in the room.

"Riley?" His voice was rough like he was just sleeping heavily. Guilt instantly fills me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up , I was just-" I tried to explain but he cut me off.

He got out of bed and moved closer to me, he was half asleep, he turned on the light where I was standing and I could actually get a good look at him. "What happened? Are you alright?"

He was standing a few feet from me, in nothing but dark colored boxers that were low on his hips. I could see all of his tattoos and scars clearly, his hair was messy from sleeping and his facial features were soft like he wasn't fully awake yet. I had never seen him like this before, he didn't seem all that mean or intimidating like this. "Um I um, Damien snores and it's hot in there" I was losing my train of thought. "So I um...." My eyes were glued to his shirtless chest. The way his muscles flexed when he yawned and reached to rub the back of his neck. "The couch" I just pointed to the couch, hoping he would get what I was trying to say.

He looks at the couch I'm pointing at and then back at me. "Bed" He points to the bed he just came from. Acting like I'm acting, maybe even mocking me a bit with a small smile forming on his lips.

"Oh no no that's okay, I can sleep on the cou-" I tried to argue.

"Don't argue" He said, rubbing his eyes and then reaching for a pack of cigarettes over on his nightstand, next to a half full glass of whiskey.

He sounded more like himself and I was tired so I complied, going over to the bed and crawling under the warm comforter. He went out to the balcony and started smoking his cigarette, not bothering to put any more clothes on then he had a moment ago.

I laid in the bed alone and wide awake. I rolled over and looked through the sliding glass door at Victor who was looking at the view. I decided to join him, I slid off the bed and went outside, standing next to him. It was cold on the balcony and I wished I was wearing more than shorts and a T-shirt.

"Go back inside, it's cold" He says, taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"It's not that cold" I said, protesting and looking out over the edge.

He glances down at me, "Your tits say something different"

My nipples were hard and I was embarrassed, I shoved him hard with my hands "Asshole" and he didn't budge. I thought he was going to get mad but instead he smiled and let out a cute laugh.

My eyes fell onto his tattoos and then to his scars, they looked like mine, cigarette bud burns. "Who did that?" I touched his scar delicately with my hand and he grabbed my wrist softly and pulled my hand away from his skin and then looked into my eyes for a moment. Then he looked ahead into the darkness and dropped my hand from his grip.

"Tell me who hurt you and I'll tell you who hurt me" He said, keeping his eyes focused ahead and finishing off his cigarette.

I didn't say anything in response. I cleared my throat contemplating an answer but deciding to not say anything.

"Let's sleep" He motioned for me to go to the bed and I did, he followed close behind me.

Within a few minutes all of the lights were off and we were both under the covers laying on our backs staring at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about our moment on the balcony and I could tell by his breathing that he was still awake too.

I think back to how I got the scars I had before I met them "My father and his friends.." I sighed "and sometimes myself"

The air in the room got a little tense and I was nervous waiting for how he would react. "Well I killed your father and his scumbag friends so that's taken care of." Then there was movement from his side of the bed. He turned the bedside light on so I could see him. He had turned to face me, laying on his side and holding his head up with his hand, "and as for you." He waited until I was looking at him. "As long as you are breathing, you will not harm yourself. Do you understand me?" His tone was serious, not mean, not demanding. He was concerned, genuinely worried.

"I understand" I said and I realized there was a tear sliding down my face.

He wiped my tears with the back of his hand softly and leaned forward, placing kisses on my cheeks. It made me feel less sad, more comforted. He leaned down further, placing a kiss on my neck and then stopping himself. "Get some sleep Princess" And with that, he turned the light off and snaked his arms around my torso, pulling me into him and falling asleep.

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