Chapter 2 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

"Lucas I'm still waiting on that address" I said looking into the rear view mirror to Lucas who was typing on his laptop before telling me the address.

"Alright we're almost there." I look over to the passenger seat where Damien sat on high alert, "this one is going to be fast, clean kill, quick in and out. 10 minutes tops."

Damien nods shortly, "Yes Sir."

Laughter erupts from the back seat between Dominic and Lucas. "Yes Daddy" Dominic mocks and looks over to Lucas before they both continue laughing.

I sigh, starting to get pissed off, "Both of you stop messing around, we have work to do." They instantly shut up and just exchange glances.

I hate this part of town, it's filled with addicts and the houses are practically falling apart. The streets reek of urine and garbage. I park the car and turn around to face the back seat, "Damien and Dominic, you're with me. Lucas, stay in the car." I don't need some low life fucking with my car while we're inside and Lucas has never been one to do well with blood.

Lucas whines, "Wait why? I wanna come with you! I'm ready, I promise. Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I have to stay in the car." He sighs and crosses his arms like a child.  "Why does Dominic get to go in and I don't?"

"Because I'm 6'5 and know how to fight, dip shit. and you're like half my size." Dominic says before slipping out of the car.

And with that, Lucas stops complaining and the rest of us file out.


Standing there listening to this man try to bargain by selling his wife to us makes my blood boil until my attention is on the red haired girl peeking around the hallway corner. She looks young, probably the man's daughter. - My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the older woman's body hitting the floor. My hand moves to the gun holstered at my side and I see Damien's gun out and aimed directly at the man's head waiting for my word. The pin headed so called bodyguards draw their weapons towards Damien but he doesn't flinch.

I don't say anything as I watch the red head plead by her mothers side. I knew she was dead the moment her head hit that table. Poor girl.

"You killed her," Her voice sounded broken and full of pain. I felt a little sorry for her and then within seconds she was sticking a knife through the side of her father and being thrown against the wall.

The commotion distracted his men long enough so that Dominic could grab the bat propped up by the door and with one swing knocked both of them out cold.

"Waiting on your word, Boss" Damien said, eyes locked on his target.

"Kill him." I said and turned to walk out of the house as he pulled the trigger, placing a bullet right between his eyes. If that knife didn't kill him, Damien definitely did.

"Wait, what about the girl?" Dominic dropped the bloody bat to the floor and was now looking at the unconscious girl across the room.

I sighed, turning around, "What about her? She's not our problem"

"We can't just leave her here" He said, walking over to her and placing his fingers on her neck checking for a pulse. "She's alive, but she's out cold"

Damien holstered his weapon and looked between me and Dominic waiting for an order.

I think for a moment, we usually end these jobs with burning the house down to cover the mess. I wouldn't feel right letting her burn alive when she seems like an innocent girl caught in the crossfire. I let out a deep sigh, "Fine. But she's your responsibility. Damien go grab some of her things and then torch the place, I'll be in the car. Make it quick."

Dominic scoops her up into his arms and follows behind me to the car, I open the door to the back seat and Lucas's eyes widen. "Woah...who's this?"

"Move over" Dominic says, Lucas moves all the way to the other side, as he carefully places her on the seat. Her head rests on Lucas's lap and Dominic takes the seat on the other end, letting her legs rest on his lap.

Soon flames erupt from the house and Damien slips into the passenger seat with a duffle bag. I start the car and head home.

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