Chapter 10 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

I sit on the couch crossing my legs criss-cross style and reach forward grabbing a slice of pizza from the box. Only after Lucas, Dominic, and Damien get their slices first. My eyes watch Dominic as he moves some of the couch pillows onto the floor to sit and eat. I gave up on trying to get the number back from him because he was right, I didn't even have a phone. What was I going to do with it?

Lucas puts in the first Scream movie and about 30 minutes into the movie everyone is done eating and Dominic takes the boxes to the kitchen and moves the coffee table out of the way, laying pillows and blankets on the floor to get comfortable. I'm uncomfortable in my jeans and it's getting late so I decide to go upstairs and put on pajamas. I chose the silky pink pajama shorts and tank top set from Victoria Secret. They didn't buy anything that was more covering so this would have to do. I make my way back into the living room but I only see Damien laying on the couch where Lucas was.

"Boo!" Lucas said as he and Dominic jumped out from around the corner with ghost masks on, like in the movie. I jumped and put my hand on my chest in response. They both burst out laughing taking the masks off.

"Not funny assholes, I almost had a heart attack" I said, catching my breath and laying on the other side of the couch, opposite of Damien.

"Don't be dramatic" Dominic ruffled my hair with the palm of his hand before sitting on the floor of pillows in blankets directly in front of where I was laying on the couch. He rested his back against the couch, the back of his head was in front of where my torso was on the couch. I wanted to reach my hand out and play with his hair but I didn't.

Lucas was lying on the floor in front of where Damien was on the couch, "Riley this part is important" He would say this every time he thought I wasn't paying attention until Damien shushed him because he was trying to watch.

Time went by and we were on the third movie in the series. It was getting really late and Victor was still in his study and I was starting to feel really sleepy. I had grabbed a blanket from the floor once the first movie ended so I was laying on my side, head against the armrest of the couch, snuggled under the soft blanket, legs bent and pulled up closer to my body. Dominic was still sitting in front of me on the floor. All the boys looked wide awake like they were used to staying up late.

I yawned looking at the back of Dominic's head. I was no longer paying attention to the movie. His hair looked so soft I wanted to run my hands through it. The reasons that were stopping me earlier in the night sounded dumb now that I was half asleep and he was so close to me. Without talking myself out of it, I slid my hand out from under the blanket and gently ran my fingers through his hair slowly. It was short and thick, incredibly soft and he didn't stop me so I kept playing with his hair and watching the movie. I noticed him shift his legs and then grab a blanket and pull it over himself but he didn't say anything to me, just faced forward and watched the movie, tilting his head back every so often. I started to fade in and out of sleep, my hand slowing down until I fell asleep completely.

I feel something warm pressed against my side and something wrapped under me. Arms? I blinked slowly, opened my eyes and I looked up to see Dominic's chest and the underside of his jaw. He was carrying me upstairs. I almost argued but I was so tired and being in his arms was comforting. I was comfortable until he gently laid me down on my cold bed. I kept my eyes closed just wanting to fall back asleep. He pulled the blankets over me in slow gentle movements and then I felt his lips press to my temple, "Goodnight shortcake." He whispered before walking towards the door.

I smiled a little opening my eyes and speaking softly, "I'm not short"

He looked down at me and his eyes looked tired, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep"

I sit up rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands. "What time is it?"

"A little after 1am" He says walking back to the side of my bed, sitting on the edge, "Lay back down, it's late and you need to sleep"

I do as he says and lay back down, pulling the blanket up to my neck. It's dark in my room but the moonlight coming from the window gives me enough light to see him looking down at me and my eyes land on the cuts on his knuckles. "Can you teach me how to fight?" I ask half asleep, closing my eyes.

"Let's wait until your hands are healed before that, Okay?" He asks softly and moves the blanket to make sure I'm covered.

"Okay..." I whisper, drifting, "Hey Dom..."

"Yes Riley?.."

"Your hair is soft... I like playing with it..." I keep my eyes closed, drifting closer to sleep.

He laughed softly, moving a piece of my hair and tucking it behind my ear, "Get some rest" He placed another kiss on my temple and I heard the door shut.

"Get back in here!" The sound of my fathers voice echoed through the house while I ran down the hallway.

He was chasing me and I was trying my best to get away but I felt a man's hand grab my arm, yanking me back. He caught up to me. I was screaming and pleading, "Please don't I'm sorry it was an accident please let me go, I won't do it again! Please!"

He ignored me, dragging me down the hallway by my arm until I was in the kitchen. He held my wrist down on the table and took the cigarette out of his mouth, pressing the end of it into my arm. Then taking his lighter and putting the flame to my arm until the skin was bubbling and I was screaming in pain.

I woke up, sitting up gasping trying to catch my breath, covered in a thin layer of sweat. My cheeks were wet from crying in my sleep. I wiped them off with the back of my hand. Once I looked around and realized where I was, I was able to calm myself down and look at the clock on the wall, it was 3:30am. The room was dark and silent, I slid out of bed and decided to go get a glass of water to help calm down before trying to sleep again.

I took careful steps down the hallway and into the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets until I found the cups, they were just out of reach so I lifted myself up onto the counter. Standing on the counter top and grabbing a cup off the shelf.

"What are you doing?" Victor's voice startled me and I dropped the cup, glass shattering all over the floor.

"Damn it. I'm sorry" I said, starting to climb down.

"Don't move." He sounded annoyed with me, getting up off the couch and grabbing a broom from the cupboard. He swept the glass up then I got off the counter.

"I was just um..." I was standing so close to him, he looked like he hadn't slept in a long time and he was wearing a white button up that was partly unbuttoned and the sleeves were rolled up. "Getting water."

He reached above me without saying anything and grabbed the cup from the shelf, and filled it with water from the fridge before handing it to me. I nodded, "Thanks"

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