Chapter 11 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

She was standing in front of me in a silky pink pajama set, her hair was messy like she was just tossing and turning. Her eyes were puffy like she had been crying and I wanted to ask why she was awake but I decided against it. I don't care, I shouldn't care. Once I handed her the glass I made my way back to the couch, looking through the papers on the coffee table in front of me.

She followed me into the room and sat on the other side of the couch, placing her glass on the other side of the table and pulling her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. "Why are you still awake?"

She asks but I'm too focused on how smooth her legs look in the pajama shorts she's wearing and how soft her skin would feel against my hand. After a moment I look away and back down at my papers, "There's paperwork that needs my attention, leasing fees, things like that"

"Sounds boring" She says and sighs reaching for the tv remote. Glancing over to me as if she's asking for permission to turn it on. I nod in response, giving her the okay and she turns on some animated Disney movie and lays on her side, resting her head on the arm rest of the couch.

I almost keep my mouth shut but I can't because she looks exhausted "It's the middle of the night, you should be sleeping"

She keeps her eyes on the TV, "I can't sleep"

I look at her and see the scars that Dom was talking about and my jaw tightens. I just try to ignore her, looking through the work in front of me but I can't focus. "Turn the TV down" the words came out harsher then I meant.

She reached for the remote and turned it down without arguing with me. She yawned and rubbed her eyes but kept looking at the TV.

"What woke you up?" I didn't look at her when I asked.

She looked at me for a moment and then looked back at the TV and didn't answer.

I took a drink from the glass of whiskey on the table, "I used to have nightmares too" I felt her eyes move back to me.

She opened her mouth like she was going to say something but then she decided against it.

"They never went away, they just don't happen as often as they used to." I was trying to say something comforting but comforting words weren't one of my strengths.

She sat up, taking a drink from her cup of water and setting it back down. Rubbing her eyes, I could tell she was trying to keep herself awake. We sat in silence for a moment until I pulled out a cigarette and my lighter, "Can I have one?" Her voice sounded sleepy, she moved to where she was sitting on her knees right next to me on the couch, hand out.

"You smoke?" I asked, raising an eyebrow cuz I hadn't seen her smoke since she got here.

"Yeah" She was lying and I could tell but I handed her the cigarette anyway, lighting it once it was between her lips and she inhaled deeply and then started coughing.

I laughed and took the cigarette from between her fingers, placing it between my lips and taking a long drag, blowing the smoke away from her. I handed her the glass of water and she took a drink, catching her breath. "Why'd you lie?"

She tucked her hair behind her ear and shrugged "I wanted to try it."

"I would have let you, you didn't have to lie" Lying was one of my biggest pet peeves, I had been lied to by everyone in my life growing up until I met the guys.

Her eyes looked at me curiously, "I don't believe that"

"You don't even know me, kid" I said taking another drag, my eyes locked with hers.

She rolled her eyes and my jaw tensed, "I'm not a kid"

I laugh "You're watching a Disney movie and refusing to sleep. You're a kid."

"You're an ass." She said moving back to her spot against the armrest.

"Maybe" I said with a smirk, "I'm serious though, we have a big day tomorrow so lay down."

She hesitated but then laid down on her side, watching the tv, her legs were slightly bent, feet next to my thigh on the couch. I looked at her legs for a long time, wanted to reach out and slide my hand along her soft skin but decided against it. Turning my attention back to my paperwork.

The next time I glanced back at Riley she was fast asleep, her hands tucked underneath her cheek. She looked so peaceful I didn't want to move her. I turned the TV off and grabbed a blanket from the cabinet, gently laying it on her making sure she was covered. I took our glasses to the kitchen sink and when I came back to the couch to sit her legs were stretched out over my seat. I sighed gently, picking up her legs and sitting in my seat, resting her feet on my lap. Looking over at her to make sure I didn't wake her.

I kept reading the papers and marking on them until her legs started moving in her sleep, she was mumbling or whimpering I couldn't tell. Her hands were holding the blanket tightly and there were tears flowing onto her cheeks. I set my papers down and slid my hands under the blanket, softly running them up and down her legs. Trying to comfort her enough to calm down so she wouldn't wake up. It seemed to be working because she stopped moving and the whimpering stopped soon after that. I rested my hands on the lower half of her legs, her skin was soft and warm just like I thought it would be. I trailed my fingers across her skin, my eyes felt heavy so I rested my head back, letting myself drift to sleep.

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