Chapter 14 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

My heart was racing as the fight was coming to an end, it was obvious Dom was going to be the winner because the other guy could barely stand. Dom gets another punch in and the man falls to the floor but Dom doesnt stop, he keeps punching. He's on top of the guy and he is not stopping. Punching over and over. The guys head looks practically caved in and there's blood everywhere but Dom showed no sign of stopping.

He was a completely different person. The man that I knew was not the person I was looking at, he wasn't funny and playful he was terrifying. My stomach begins to twist and I ask Damien to set me down because I feel like I'm going to be sick. I rush towards the restrooms and the boys don't follow me.

I push my way past the few women waiting for a stall and hurl into the closest one. The images of that guys face bashed in play over and over in my head and I continue to throw up. Once I feel like its over, I slowly get up and wash my face in the sink that's practically falling apart. I take a few minutes to breathe and once I feel like the color is back in my face I leave the restroom bumping into someone, "Oh sorry." My response was a reflex and I looked up to see a huge man standing in front of me. He looked disgusting with yellow teeth and there were stains all down his shirt.

"Don't apoligize darling, the pleasure is all mine." He stepped closer and I stepped back.

I looked around but nothing looked familiar, I had ran off in such a hurry I didn't pay attention to anything around me and had no idea which direction to go in order to get back to them.

"I- I have to get back to my friends," I tried to sound confident but it didn't come out like that.

"Friends?" He looked around dramatically, "I don't see any friends" His eyes land back on me and I keep stepping back until I'm against the wall, he's pressing closer.

He grabs my arm and I do the only thing I can think of. I knee him between the legs and he doubles over and I take off running. I run and look back to see if he's following and when I do I slam into someone.

"I told you to stay with the others." It was Dom, looking down at me and he sounded pissed. His nose was bleeding and there were cuts on his cheek.

"I-I well, I had to um.." I was lost for words and he looked me up and down, his eyes falling on the bruise forming on my arm where the man grabbed me. He gently lifts my arm to get a better look.

"Where did this come from?" His jaw was tight and he sounded angry, scary. I haven't seen him act like this before, he was cold and hard.

The others walked up as I started explaining "I was leaving the bathroom and there was this guy and he-"

Dom cut me off, "Go with the others and get in the car," thats all he says and then he pushes past me, bumping into my shoulder and heading in the direction I just came from.

Lucas slid his hand into mine, "We thought we lost you, you can't run off like that when we're here its not safe." He didnt sound angry, he sounded worried and his hand was warm in mine as he guided me out of the crowd and to the car with the others.

We got back in our previous seats. Lucas let go of my hand once we were outside and the car was silent while we waited for Dom.

"What is Dom going to do to that guy?" I broke the silence and Victor turned around from the drivers seat to look at me.

"Probably kill him." He was so monotone in his response.

"Kill him? But he just-" I protested.

Victor points to the purple mark on my arm, "He did that. That's enough to justify killing him." He turns back around and faces forward, "If Dom didn't do it I would have."

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