Chapter 20 - Riley's POV

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***This chapter has graphic scenes and suggests possible SA, if this is something that is triggering to you please skip this chapter***

Riley's POV

"Are you sure they'll come for her?" One of the men was asking the leader.

"Of course they will, she's one of them. I've had a tail on them for weeks, she's part of their group. They'll come." The leader had his back to me while he responded to his men.

"You kidnapped the wrong girl, dumb ass," I pulled against the wrist restraints again, "I'm not one of them." I tilted my head slightly to the side, looking at the tattoos on their necks again.

He turned around and slapped me across the face, "Keep your mouth shut princess or I'll start pulling teeth"

The third guy hadn't spoken a word since I got there, he was the only one who looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Does she have the mark?" The doubtful one was looking at the only bare skin I had showing. I'm assuming the mark was like the scorpion tattoo I've seen on Dom and Victor and on things around the house.

"I don't have one. I told you already, I'm not one of them." I said and instantly felt the sting of a fist connect with my face. I tasted blood in my mouth and spit it to the side.

"I said to keep your mouth shut," The leader sighed and rolled his eyes, "Strip her. Find the tattoo so I can cut it off of her for safe keeping." He smiled wickedly and I could see is nasty teeth peeking out from behind his lips.

They cut my clothes off me with a knife to avoid having to untie me from the chair. I was cold and sitting there exposed and vulnerable. Only in my panties and sports bra I had worn to training earlier this morning.

"No marks boss." The men stood back where they were posted before taking my clothes off.

The leader stood in front of me, squatting down to be a little below my eye level and slowly dragging his eyes down my body. "Could be under this.." He slid his fingers under the elastic band at the bottom of my sports bra. I shifted as much as I could to avoid his touch. "Or here.." He hooked his finger through my panties and pulled them down slightly but not enough to fully expose me.

I was full of anger and wanted more than anything to be able to jam a knife through his throat like Damien showed me this morning. "Let's have a look, shall we?" He said grabbing the pocket knife from his men and slicing my sports bra off, I wanted to cry but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. So instead I leaned forward as far as I could and spit directly in his face. "You shouldn't have done that" His hand clamped down around my throat and his other hand went between my legs, ripping my panties down, he put his lips to my ear, "I love it when they put up a fight"

Before he could do anything between my legs I tilted my head and bit down on his ear, biting so hard I bit all the way through his skin. He yelled and stumbled back, putting his hands to his now bleeding ear. I spit the piece of flesh onto the floor and started laughing. I was laughing partly because I was scared and I didn't want to cry, and also because the way he was trying to hold his ear together was hilarious.

"You little bitch" He charged for me but his men held him back.

"You can't kill her yet boss, they won't give you the money." That seemed to simmer him down a bit. He stormed out of the room, taking the talkative one with him and ordered the quiet one to stay behind with me and make sure I didn't get out.

I watched him carefully, he had a knife on his belt and I didn't see any guns. If I could just get my hands on that knife I could get myself out of here. He shifted uncomfortably and avoided looking at me, like he was disturbed that I was naked.

"What's your name?" I tried to look and sound as nice as I could, all things considered.

He hesitated to answer me but after a moment he gave in "Joey", his voice was shaky like he was nervous. Now that I'm getting a closer look at him I notice how young he is, he reminds me of Lucas. He looks inexperienced, like he would rather be anywhere but in this room. Not like the other ones, the other men looked like they fed off of the torture and the violence.

"That's a cute name," The room was dim but I swear I saw him blush. I pull softly on the wrist restraints again. "Do you think you could loosen these a little bit? it really hurts." I try to sound soft and innocent. His eyes shift to the bloody skin on my wrists and again, he hesitates, but then decides to help and moves over to me, bending down to loosen the ties a bit. He unties my right wrist and before he can tie it back on I quickly reach for the knife at his belt and put it to his throat. He freezes.

"Back up against the wall and I won't kill you." He slowly backs up until his back is against the wall. I keep my eyes on him as I use the knife to cut the other rope and then reach down and cut my legs free from the duct tape. I hold the knife up in his direction as I stand and start to slowly walk towards the door. "Just let me leave and no one gets hurt, I don't want to kill you." I wasn't lying, he seemed closer to my age than his partners and he was more scared than anything.

I turned my back to him, to open the door and he lunged for me, wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me back. We both fell to the ground and he ended up pinning me with the knife to my neck. Images of Damien over me during training flash into my mind and I try like hell to remember how to get out of this situation. I can hear Damien's voice in my head, get out of this situation. Think Riley. You know how. Everything I learned comes flooding back and I manage to get the knife into my hands and pin him below me. I hesitate to finish the job. Frozen there with the knife pressed to his throat, my knees pressing into his forearms at his side. I can feel my heart racing as I debate ending this man's life. He manages to free one of his arms but before he can grab the knife I instinctively push it forward into his neck and pull it out. I stay there frozen watching the blood gush from the stab wound as he frantically pushes his hands against it to stop the bleeding.

I killed him.

I hear the door open behind me but I don't turn around. I can't. I can't move. I can't breathe. I stay there frozen as I watch the life leave his eyes.

"Riley?" I hear his sweet familiar voice behind me.

who do you think it is ?? or who do you want it to be?? let me know in the comments

also thank you for all the kind words!! i love reading all your comments they really keep me going :) <3 updates should be pretty frequent for the next 2 weeks so stay tuned cuties <3

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