Chapter 24 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

We've been driving for about an hour now and the car has pretty much calmed down, nobodies really talking and I keep sneaking glances at Riley through the mirror. I notice that she's looking a little pale and I consider pulling over but we aren't on a road where that's possible yet. I adjust the front air conditioning vents to face her direction. "How are you feeling back there little one? You're looking a little pale."

Dom and Lucas instantly pull their attention from the window view and are now looking at Riley, not with concern but fear. Lucas has always been squeamish, especially around sick people.

Riley doesn't answer me right away, she's pressing her lips together and closing her eyes like she's going to be sick.

"Are you gonna throw up?" Lucas asks and starts to move as close to the window as possible.

"Throw up over there, not on me." He points towards Dom.

"No, no, no, Victor pull over" Dom starts yelling and freaking out and I'm trying to look for the nearest exit.

Damien grabs a plastic bag from the glove compartment and hands it to Riley just in time for her to start vomiting. She's holding the bag to her mouth, leaning forward and throwing up everything she's consumed in the last 24 hours.

Lucas rolls the window down and covers his nose and mouth with his hand. Dom starts gagging dramatically and begging me to pull over. I'm finally able to get off the freeway and pull into a gas station. The moment that the car is parked everyone jumps out, "Go get some water and mints for her" I tell Damien and he nods and heads inside. I get out of the car and go to the backseat, open the door Riley moves to the window seat. Dangling her legs towards me, out the side of the car.

I hand her my handkerchief to wipe her mouth, "I'm sorry" She apologizes and I place the back of my hand on her forehead.

"You don't have a fever." I tuck her hair behind her ear. "What hurts?" I'm speaking softer than I usually would with her.

"I just got dizzy and warm and then I tried to close my eyes and it got worse and then my stomach turned and well...I'm sorry" She looks down at the bag full of vomit in her hands. I take it and toss it into the bin.

I chuckle at her apology "You don't have to apologize for getting car sick, I should have been driving smoother." I place my fingers on her wrist and look at my watch on my other wrist, checking her pulse just to make sure. "Go wash up in the bathroom and then you can sit in the front with me, you won't get as dizzy." She nods and climbs out of the car going into the corner store. I look around spotting Dom and Lucas standing near the slushie machines inside.

Damien walks up holding a water bottle and a tin of mints. I place them in the front seat cup holder. "You're trading spots with Riley" He nods, not arguing as usual.

Riley comes back and everyone piles into the car. She doesn't look as pale and she tied her hair up into a messy bun. I notice the new hairstyle and catch myself staring at her neck for a few seconds too long.

"I'm feeling a lot better, I can sit in the back, it's fine." She starts to open the backseat door but my hand gets to the door before hers.

"Don't argue." I look at her and then at the front seat, opening the door for her as she climbs in.

I lean over her and grab the seatbelt, clicking it into place. I glance up at her and she starts to blush heavily, I don't think it's because of the car sickness. I slide my hand under the belt on her torso and pull it so it tightens and I swear I see a small smile on her face before I look away. I close her door and once I'm back in the driver's seat I make sure the vents are blowing the cold air on her. "Try to sleep, it will help the time go by faster."

"I'm not tired" She argues.

About 20 minutes later her eyes are closed and her breathing has slowed. She was fast asleep, her legs pulled up into the seat and her head facing my direction, away from the window. The guys were having a conversation in the backseat but keeping their voices low. I make sure to drive smoother and avoid all the potholes in the road so she won't wake up. The rest of the ride goes smoothly and sooner or later we end up in the bay area.

Once I parked the car at the hotel we made reservations at, I turned towards Riley. Her lips are slightly parted and her chest is rising and falling slowly with every breath. I tell the guys to go ahead and take our bags to the room. I gently touch Riley's cheek with the backside of my fingers to start waking her up. My thumb brushes over her lips and her eyes flutter open. "Hello beautiful, have a nice nap?" I couldn't help but smile at the confused, partly annoyed look she was giving me. 

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