Chapter 4 - Dominic's POV

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Dominic's POV

We walk back into the kitchen and she sits on the barstool on the other side of the counter. The blood that was on the floor is cleaned up as well as the glass at the end of the stairs. Damien can't leave a mess alone for more than 5 minutes without having a fit, I have no doubt he was the one who cleaned it up.

I resumed cooking breakfast, flipping pancakes and cooking more bacon. I steal glances at her in between cooking. She's beautiful, she looks exhausted and on edge but she's lovely nonetheless. I like how she looks in my clothes and the way her red hair almost reaches her hips.

"Your pancake is burning" Victor says dryly while he pours his coffee on the other end of the counter.

"Shit" I snap back into what I was doing and sigh, tossing the pancake in the trash and making her a new one. I told Riley to sit and wait for me to finish making her breakfast and then I would answer all her questions. I placed the finished pancakes on a plate and spread butter across them, with a side of bacon and hashbrowns. I turned around and placed the plates in front of her. "Eat."

She hesitates looking down at the food then up at me and over to Victor then back at the food. "What's wrong with it?"

"How do I know it's not poisoned?" She says lifting a piece of bacon with her fork like it's going to jump off the plate and bite her.

I sigh and lean forward, taking the fork from her hand, picking up a piece of the pancake and putting it in my mouth then biting off a piece of the bacon. "See, no poison." I hand the fork back to her.

"Can I have syrup?" She asks politely.

I smile at her request and grab the syrup, sliding it over to her. She picks up the container and drenches her pancakes in the sticky substance. Then she digs in, barely chewing enough before swallowing. "Slow down it's not going anywhere" She raises her eyes at my comment and starts chewing slower.

After finishing her bite she looks over at Lucas sitting next to her on his laptop then between me and Victor, "So what are you guys? Like rich gangsters or something?" She asks to take another bite and Lucas laughs, spitting out his coffee.

"Something like that" I answer her looking over at Lucas then meeting her eyes again.

Riley finishes the pancakes and bacon, not touching the hash browns. "So why am I here?" She looks directly at me.

Victor sets his coffee on the counter, "Yeah Dom, why is she here?" He questions me, now they are both starring.

"I don't know yet..." I look at Victor then shift my eyes to Riley, "We had to burn your home down after we finished the job so you have nowhere else to go, and no family. I figured you could stay with us until we figured out what to do with you."

"So my father?..." She said looking over to Victor.

"He's Dead." Victor responded dryly.

"Wait.. what about my stuff? You burned everything? I had books and journals and–" Tears started to pool in her eyes.

I cut her off, "Damien packed a duffle bag with as much as he could fit, some of your books, your journals, some clothes, photos. We can go shopping for whatever else you need, just let us know." With that, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you done eating?" She nods and I take her plates and put them in the sink, she doesn't like hash browns. Noted.

"Where's that duffle bag?" She asks, sliding off the bar stool.

"It's on my bed, my room is across the hall from yours", I answer and continue washing the dishes.

I watch her head up the stairs and Victor clears his throat, getting my attention. "We aren't an orphanage, she can't stay here." He stares at me, and I'm having trouble coming up with something to say to that.

Lucas closes his laptop, "Why not? I mean there's no harm, and she may be useful."

"Doubt it" Victor says, placing his coffee cup in the sink. "We don't even know if we can trust her"

"Who is she going to tell? She has nobody" Lucas responds and I choose to stay out of it.

A scream comes from upstairs and I stop what I'm doing and run up the stairs, Victor and Lucas follow close behind me.

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