Chapter 3 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, it's comfortable and I sink into it, it feels like expensive memory foam. My head hurts as I sit up rubbing my eyes and I wince at the pain on my cheek. I look around the room, it's bare, not much furniture besides a bed and a dresser and there's practically no color. Where am I? I look down and I'm wearing a man's t-shirt and sweatpants. My heart begins to race a little, I can't remember anything after burning my hand this morning.

I slide out of the bed and go to the window looking out, the sun is rising and I see a basketball court and a pool with a lot of yard space. This is a very rich neighborhood. Did I go home with someone last night?

I walk into the connected bathroom, turning the light on and looking at myself in the reflection. There's a small bandage on my cheek, covering the cut caused by my fathers ring. When I reached up to touch it I noticed the bandage wrapped around the palm of my right hand, I lifted the bandage and my burn was covered in some weird colored cream.

And that's when I remember. My father killed her. My mother is dead. And then... He pushed me and everything went dark. The men in the suits. They looked rich and this is a very expensive place. What if they... kidnapped me. It makes sense, maybe as payment for what my father owed them?

My heart rate speeds up and I start to look around the room for anything I can use as a weapon. I search through the dresser drawers but they're empty and the bathroom drawers as well as under the bed. That leaves one thing, I take the full size body mirror leaning against the wall and slam it onto the hardwood floor, and it shatters into more than a hundred pieces. I grab a hand towel from the bathroom and wrap it around the sharpest "knife-like" piece I can see and hold it in my left hand.

I take a deep breath before trying the bedroom door, it's unlocked. I slip out of the room and into a long hallway with multiple doors. I slowly make my way down the hall until I reach the stairs and step down one by one trying not to make any noise. I can hear men talking around the corner and I can smell something. Bacon? I shake my head. I need to focus on getting out of here.

I spot what I believe is the front door on the left at the end of the stairs. I decide making a run for it is the best option and as soon as I take off I slam into someone and the sound of glass shattering makes me squeeze my eyes shut.

He groans in disappointment, "Damn it, that was your breakfast." I look up to see a tall man standing in front of me holding a tray in front of him. He's wearing a black t-shirt that hugs his biceps and chest area but gets loose as it goes down his torso, paired with black joggers that were now covered in what looks like orange juice.

After getting over the initial shock of slamming into him I hold the shard of mirror in front of me, my voice shaking. "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want with me?" My hand starts to shake so I try to steady myself.

His eyes focus on my hand, "Your hand is bleeding" there's a tone of concern in his voice and I look at my hand, the towel slipped down and it was piercing my skin, drawing blood.

He reaches for my hand and I pull away quickly, stepping back. "Stop! don't move there's glass all over the floor and you're bare foot" I flinch when he yells and then look at the floor. There was a broken glass cup and broken plate with bacon and pancakes across the floor. I stop moving and watch him step on the glass in his sneakers and before I realize he leans down and snakes his arm around my waist, picking me up and moving me away from the glass.

Once he sets me down I take a few steps back still holding the shard up to him, my blood landing in small drops on the tile. "Tell me who you are!"

He sighs and takes a step forward, causing me to take another step back. "My name is Dominic, What's yours?"

I don't answer and keep taking steps back until my back hits something hard, "Her name is Riley, she's 19 years old..." A voice comes from directly behind me and I jump forward, turning around to face the blonde holding the tablet. He was shorter than Dominic but still taller than me. "I found her file, hospitalized a lot growing up for broken ribs and broken wrist.... Arrested at 16 for a petty theft...." He continues as he swipes on his tablet.

I keep backing up until my back hits Dominic and he grabs my wrist firmly,"Let me go!" I yell as he uses his other hand to gently pull the piece of mirror from my bloody hand. I wince at the stinging in my hand and the moment he lets go of my wrist I take off running. I run around the living area and down another hall until I open the closest door to my right and run in, locking it behind me. I slide my back down the door and try to catch my breath. I locked myself in a bathroom - great. I lean my head back on the door and it feels sore.

"Riley?...Are you in there?." I recognized Dominic's voice on the other side of the door.

I don't answer, looking down at my hand, it really hurts and I think I need stitches. Looking at the blood makes me feel light headed so I close my hand and stop looking.

"Open the door Riley!" The blonde boy yelled and I jumped, moving to the other wall away from the door.

"Lucas! Don't yell at her she's scared of us" Dominic spoke in a lower voice but I could still hear what he said. "We aren't going to hurt you I promise, I just need to look at your hand." His voice was softer, different than it was earlier.

For a moment I consider opening the door but I stop myself, "Where am I? Why did you bring me here?"

"I'll explain if you come out," He said, sounding concerned.

"No, Explain now." I said louder.

"You hit your head, you were unconscious and we– I didn't want to leave you there so we brought you back here with us" I could tell his head was leaning against the door and the door handle was moving.

"So you took me for my fathers debt?" I asked and my voice was a little weaker, I was feeling light headed.

"No no of course not we don't do that, we wouldn't have accepted you as payment." Dominic said and he sounded almost like he was pleading, "Damn it, Lucas, get this door open."

"I'm trying" Lucas responded and the handle moved more until the door opened and Dominic rushed in and I moved away quickly, he stopped.

"Please let me take care of that." He looked down at my hand now covered in blood. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you, If I wanted to I would have already."

I thought about his words for a moment and then I nodded, letting him come closer.

He slowly reached for my hand and examined it, "You need stitches, can you stand up?"

I stood up in response and he lifted me onto the bathroom counter, reaching into the cabinet and pulling out a first aid kit. "This might sting a little" He pours the disinfectant on the cut and I wince pulling my hand away, "you have to let me clean it or it's going to get infected" Dominic said sternly, so I placed my hand back in his so he could continue.

I barely felt the stitches, he was skilled and gentle with me. I looked up and studied his appearance now that he was close to me and I wasn't trying to get away. He had soft brown eyes and black hair that was short. He definitely had product in it and his jaw was sharp, he was focused on what he was doing and tightening his jaw shut. He smelled really good, like expensive cologne. He looks up and meets my eyes for a moment "all done"

I break eye contact and look down at my hand, it's stitched up and bandaged. "Thank you" I'm assuming he was the one who bandaged my other injuries. I looked at my burned hand and then up at him.

He smiles softly, "Yeah I did that too" He answered like he could read my mind.

"And... my clothes?" I look down at the mens shirt and sweats.

He chuckles, "I promise I closed my eyes and didn't look at anything. I didn't think you wanted to sleep in bloody clothes."

Bloody clothes. Right. My mothers blood. I look down at my lap and Dominic goes to lift me and set me down on the floor but I stop him. "I can get down myself" and he steps back.

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