Chapter 17 - Dominic's POV

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Dominic's POV

I'm standing in Victor's study after coming down from my room. Riley is training outside with Damien and I'm trying to find the words to convince Victor to change his mind about using her in the next job.

Lucas was already in here when I got walked in, "I'll be back in an hour or two. I just need to run a quick errand near the mall, am I good to go? Do you need me for any work stuff today?"

"I can spare you for a few hours, Dom can drive you" Victor motions to where I am standing behind Lucas and I roll my eyes.

"I don't want to go on an errand with him, I need to talk to you" I say, the annoyance is clear in my voice.

Victor stares at me for a moment then back at Lucas, "Fine, take the SUV, it blends in well. Just lay low, we have targets on our backs right now." He says and Lucas leaves the room with a huge smile on his face.

"How can I change your mind? I can find another girl to be your bait just don't use her." I was almost pleading at this point.

"Stop Dom. Once she's done with all her training, and I'm 100% convinced that she is well trained enough to handle it then we will put her to work. That's final."

I shook my head filled with rage and slammed the door on my way out of the study. I glance out the back sliding glass door on my way to the stairs. Riley was pinning Damien to the ground and I rolled my eyes, going up to my room.

I didn't bother to wrap my hands before I started punching the bag hanging in my bedroom. It must have been at least an hour because I could hear Riley talking to Lucas downstairs, she must be done with training for the day. I tried to tune out the noise and focus on my form. The cuts on my knuckles were opening back up and I was drenched in sweat. I step back and pull off my shirt to help cool off.

"Woah! Take it off!" Riley was leaning in the doorway of my bedroom, cupping her hands over her mouth to make her voice echo jokingly. I only looked at her for a moment before looking back at the bag and continuing to throw punches.

"Damien said I'm a fast learner and I think he's right. I mean I am definitely getting the hang of it. You should have seen him Dom, I was kicking his ass. Well I mean, kind of but I was definitely getting better with the knife by the end of it." She sounded so excited to be putting herself in danger it was only making me more upset.

"Are you still upset at me for agreeing to help with the job?" She's in my room now, her voice sounds like she's closer than she was behind me. I ignore her question and punch harder, trying to block her out of my head. I was pissed off and I didn't want anyone near me right now.

"Are you ignoring me?" She was getting closer, I could feel her standing a step behind me.

"Dom" She stood behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Without thinking I swung my arm back with more force than I thought I was capable of and I connected with her side, sending her falling hard back into my dresser then onto the carpet. She caught herself with her hands and it took me a moment to snap out of it and realize what I just did.

"Riley I'm.." I moved quickly and got to my knees in front of her "Are you okay? I didn't mean to, I mean I know I did but I didn't realize-" My words were cut off by a hard slap across my face.

My cheek stung and I looked back at Riley her eyes were full of tears and as she got up and stormed out of my room and into hers. I got up and followed behind her pleading but she slammed her bedroom door, locking it behind her.

"Please Riley I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I didn't realize what I was doing." I was yelling against the door until Victor walked up beside me.

"What's with the slamming doors and yelling?" His eyes fell to the blood on my knuckles and the redness on the left side of my face.

"I was just training and she was .." I tried to find the words to explain what happened, "I pushed her. I wasn't thinking and I was angry and she got close and I just... She fell back onto my dresser." His jaw tightened as I explained and he looked like he was trying not to get angry.

"And then what happened?" His voice was tight and controlled.

"She slapped me and locked herself in her room." I looked down at my hands and he sighed.

"Go clean up and let her calm down, it's not going to do any good yelling at her from the other side of the door."

He was right, I nodded and went back into my room to wash off the blood on my hands.

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