Chapter 26 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

I never understood why beaches were the go-to place for a vacation. The sand gets everywhere and in everything. I looked down at my sand covered dress shoes and sighed then pulled out my cigarettes and lit one. I sifted through the cooler for a drink, deciding on a beer and popping it open.

Lucas was sitting underneath the shade in an umbrella making something in the sand in front of him. I looked around for the others and found Damien jogging along the shore line.

I was always on high alert when we went out as a group. We could never be too careful, there were always people willing to put a bullet in our backs when we let our guard down.

Dom ran up to where we were located on the shore, soaking wet and dripping, he shook his head like a wet dog, splashing water droplets all over my white button up, which resulted in a dirty look from me and a chuckle from Lucas.

"Maybe you shouldn't have worn business clothes to the beach." Dom laughed, reaching into the cooler and grabbing a beer.

I almost said something but stopped myself. "Where's Riley?" I looked around, she wasn't with us by the towels, I didn't see her running with Damien.

"She's still in the water" Dom responded and sat next to Lucas drinking his beer and taking in the sun.

I scanned my eyes over the water, looking for her red hair. It took a few minutes but I saw her, diving under and coming back up. Over and over again.

I kept my eyes on her just in case until my phone rang. I answered and looked away for a few minutes talking to the man on the other end of the line. When I looked back to the water I didn't see her. My heart began to race and I stopped talking, searching with my eyes. No red hair, No Riley in sight. I dropped my phone and my beer into the sand and made a run for the water.

I was completely submerged when I last saw her swimming, "Riley!"

Her head surfaced a few feet over from me "Why are you in the water with your clothes on?" She laughed at the sight of me fully clothed and soaking wet.

I let out a sigh of relief and took a deep breath, "You scared the hell out of me! What the fuck were you doing?"

She laughed, like any of this was remotely funny, "I was holding onto a rock, trying to see how long I could hold my breath"

"Enough swimming, get out of the water" my tone was sharp, I was soaking wet head to toe and pissed off. She was laughing all the way to the shore.

happy new year <3
my new year's resolutions include finishing this book haha

what are your goals for 2023?

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