Chapter 8 - Riley's POV

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Riley's POV

I woke up with one of my books open next to me, I fell asleep reading but the sun was still up, meaning I wasn't out for long. I slide off the bed and leave the room, looking down the hall but the house is silent. I make my way down stairs and there's a note on the counter top:

Damien and I left to handle some business, Lucas and Dom should be back soon. Don't touch anything. - V

I crumpled the paper up and chucked it into the bin, then suddenly got the urge to touch everything in sight. I ran my hand along the counter as I walked through the kitchen, making my way to the huge back sliding glass doors. I slide one open and step into the backyard, leaving it open behind me.

The yard is huge, there's a pool the size and shape of a long rectangle. There's two basketball courts further out from the pool and what looks like a garden. I start walking towards the garden when I spot three men in suits walking the perimeter of the yard and instantly feel uncomfortable. I turn around and head back inside, closing the door behind me and locking it.

I head to the other side of the house, touching everything on the walls along the way. I reach a room that looks like an old timey study. The desk is made of an expensive dark wood and there's papers stacked on top of it, the walls have expensive looking art on them with the same kind of wood as frames. I sit in the fancy chair behind the desk and spin around in it, sifting through the stack of papers on the desk. I pull on the drawers but they're locked. Feeling bored I get up and leave the room heading down the hall until I'm standing in front of a steel door. There's a handprint scanner and you need a code to get in so I don't even attempt it. My attention is shifted to the sound of people walking through the front door. Lucas and Dominic are both carrying multiple shopping bags and I recognize a few of the brands.

"Put all the bags in the living room then we can go get Riley" Dominic said placing bags on the floor next to the couch.

"Go get me for what?" I say stepping into the room.

"Surprise!" Dominic shouts, dragging out the 'i' sound and gesturing towards all the shopping bags. "Its all for you, sit sit, I wanna show you what we got"

I take a seat on the couch and Dominic sits on his knees on the ground in front of me sifting through a bag. Lucas takes a seat on the other end of the couch just watching us.

He shows me all of the creams, lotions, soaps, candles, clothes and stops to let me feel the fabric and smell the fragrances after each item. He was acting like this was 'show and tell' and it was kind of cute. By the end of it I was smiling ear to ear and my eyes were full of tears and no words came to mind but "Thank you." My words came out as more of a whisper.

"Wait, why are you crying? Did you not like the swim suits? We can exchange them or was it the candles? Because if it was the candles Lucas was the one who picked them out so you can blame him because –" Before I thought about my movements I ended up dropping to the floor and wrapping my arms around Dominic's torso. It took him a second to register the sudden movement but when he did he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tighter hug. Lucas and Dominic exchanged worried stares, not really sure what to do next.

I have never received gifts like these before or watched someone be so excited about buying things for me that I couldn't help but break down in tears. They were happy tears of course and with instinct I ended up in his arms but after a moment I realized I had my face buried in the chest of a man who basically kidnapped me and I pulled away, sitting back on the couch. "Um, thanks for the gifts" I sniffle and my cheeks are red with embarrassment.

"Of course," Lucas says, shifting on the couch to face me.

Luckily they take the hint and choose to pretend like I didn't just sob into Dominic's arms, "We'll bring the bags up to your room for you, did you eat lunch? I can make sandwiches." Dominic stands up and heads to the kitchen before I can respond.

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