Chapter 9 - Dominic's POV

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Dominic's POV

Who would do that to someone?

The sound of my fists pounding into the punching bag almost drowns out the thoughts shouting in my head.

She doesn't deserve that. Why would anyone do that to their daughter?... Scumbag... I'm glad he's dead... I'm glad we were the one to kill him.

Images of the scars on Riley's body flash in my mind, I punch the bag harder, breaking the skin on my knuckles. I ignore the pain coming from my hands and continue to punch, sweat now dripping from nearly every surface of my body.

I stop for a moment, my chest rising and falling rapidly trying to slow my breathing. I think about moments ago how she asked me to help her bathe. The feeling of my hands in her hair and across her body and I feel calm. I think about the way she eyed my chest and the way her cheeks flushed when I caught her looking. I adjust my hard on in the sweats I'm wearing.

No, stop thinking about her like that. Don't get attached.

I repeat the words in my head over and over throwing my punches into the bag, over the smeared blood. There's a knock on my door but I ignore it.

"Dom that's enough." Victor was standing in the doorway.

I ignored him and kept punching.

"Dom stop." I felt his hang grab my shoulder and I shrugged him off, "youre going to fuck up your hands!" When I don't respond to him he grabs me from the side and knocks me to the ground, pinning me down. "Stop fighting me." He kept trying to hold me down even though I fought against it. I eventually gave up and he relaxed his grip on me, getting off of me and sitting beside me wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

"What has you all fired up?" He said slightly out of breath. He was fit but not usually the one who was tackling people, that's what I was there for.

I sat up resting my arms on my legs defeated, "They hit her" I look over at him and he's watching me with concern. "They did more than hit her. There are cigarette burns on her arms." I moved my eyes to my bloody hands resting on my legs. "And there were scars, I think she..hurt herself or used to hurt herself or something I don't know." I shook my head.

"I mean," Victor sighed, "I was beaten as a kid and look how good I turned out" I think he was trying to make me lighten up but it wasn't working. All I could think about was her being kicked out soon and someone possibly hurting her again.

"I don't want her to leave." I said not making eye contact with him, I didn't want him to see how much I cared for her. That would be a weakness I wasn't willing to share yet.

Victor sighs and we are both sitting in silence until he stands up and offers me a hand, "Okay."

"Okay?" I took his hand and stood up next to him.

"She can stay," He looked me in the eye and a feeling of relief rushed through me, "But she has to work for me."

I open my mouth to protest but he continues, "She will need training, obviously. But this is necessary, we've needed a woman for a while now. Some of our targets are harder to get close to, a pretty girl can be used as bait."

"Not her, not as bait." my heart rate starts to rise and I tighten my fists.

"That's the deal Dom, if she stays then she works with us." He restates and although I can't stand the thought of her being put in those situations, I rather have her here so I nod.

"Well then, take a shower, you reek" He goes to walk out the door but stops "Oh and I came up here to tell you that Lucas ordered Pizza for dinner"

"Pizza?" I laughed, I usually cooked most dinners or we had the help cook, we rarely ordered pizza. "Whose idea was that?"

"Who do you think?" He lets a small smile show then leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I hop in the shower washing the blood of my hands and relieving the pressure that was building in my boxers. I step out feeling like a whole new man, slide on black sweats and a black t-shirt, drying my hair a bit with the towel before tossing it into the bin. I clean up the cuts on my knuckles and decide against wrapping them because they're small and should heal fast. I head down stairs, following the sounds of arguing coming from the living room.

"You're lying!" Lucas was raising his voice at Riley who was sitting on the other side of the couch from him. In the new jeans and T-shirt we bought her.

"No I'm not I swear!" She's also raising her voice but there's a smile on her face.

"But those movies are like scary movie classics, everyone's seen them" Lucas folds his arms over his chest.

"I haven't seen them." Damien's monotone voice can be recognized almost instantly.

"It's settled then, we'll have a Scream movie marathon tonight." I said stepping into the living room and I could feel her eyes on me.

Lucas gets up "Hell yeah! I'll grab the DVDs from my room" He gets up and heads upstairs, I take his place across from Riley.

I watch as her eyes dart between me and the floor as she shifts in her seat almost as though my eyes being on her makes her flustered or antsy.

"Riley!" Victor is yelling from his study and he sounds pissed. I look over at Riley and she covers the smile on her face with her hand like she knows exactly why he's yelling. "Did you go into my study?" His voice was raised and he was standing in the living room now.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She looks like she's holding in a laugh which instantly puts a smile on my face.

Victor walks up to the couch looking down at her, "I'd be careful around me little one, I won't play nice like Dom." His eyes stayed glued to her and her smile was slowly fading. "Stay out of my study. Don't touch my things."

"StAy oUt of mY sTudY" I mocked him and she burst out laughing, instantly covering her mouth with her hands.

Victor gives me the death glare and goes back into his study, slamming the door behind him. I smile over at Riley and she's smiling back.

"Woah, someone's grumpy," Lucas said, coming into the living room with a stack of DVDs.

There's a knock at the front door and I stand up, Riley follows close behind me to the door, probably to help me carry in the pizza even though I don't need her to. I open the door with her by my side and there's a boy who looks closer to Riley's age than he does mine holding a tower of pizza boxes in one hand and a receipt in the other. His eyes are on Riley, well Riley's tits. I cleared my throat to get his attention, "What's the total?"

He tells me the total and I reach into my sweat pants but my wallet isn't there. I changed when I took a shower, meaning it was laying on the floor in my room upstairs. "My wallets upstairs hold on" I told him but my eyes looked at Riley before I went upstairs.

When I came back down with the cash Riley was giggling and holding a little paper in her hand.

"Here" I shoved the money out to him and took the stack of pizza boxes, shutting the door in his face before he could finish his sentence.

"That was kind of mean," Riley said, reaching for the boxes to help me but I pulled them out of her reach and looked at the paper in her hand.

"What's that?" I ask, ignoring her comment.

She holds up the paper and flaunts it "The cute Pizza Boy gave me his number" She smiles and I snatch the paper from her with the hand that isn't holding the boxes.

"Hey!" She yells reaching for it as I hold it out of reach from her and set the boxes on the coffee table.

"You don't even have a cell phone" I said, crumpling the paper and sliding it into my pocket because I know she won't put her hands in there.

"I thought Victor was the mean one" She said and walked away, plopping down onto the couch.

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