Chapter 28 - Victor's POV

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Victor's POV

I wake up to the feeling of a warm body on me, for a moment I forgot that Riley had come into my room last night. I looked down at her, she was laying on my chest, a leg on either side of my body. It was still early, the others were most likely still asleep, considering I haven't heard a knock on the door. I gently move her long red hair out of her face as she sleeps soundly. The movement causes her to stir and start to wake up. She sits up and rubs her eyes and yawns.

"Morning sunshine" My hands instinctively went to her hips and rested there. She was now straddling me, looking down at me with her tired eyes.

She stretched her arms up and arched her back slightly, rocking her hips for a second across my groin. Instantly making my boxers tighter. I groaned slightly and she noticed. "What's wrong?" She asked, letting her arms rest beside her, putting her hands on top of mine resting on her hips. She gave me a look, like she knew exactly why I groaned.

My breath halted, "Nothing's wrong." I said staying very still.

She slowly started moving her hips back and forth over my boxers "Are you sure?" She looked at me with her evil little smile.

I tensed my jaw and in one quick motion I moved and had her pinned under me. She giggled lightly. "You don't want to play with me Riley"

She leaned up and kissed me on my lips, wrapping her legs around my waist as I leaned over her. I held my weight with my arms on either side of her body. She pulled back but stayed close to my lips. "I do."

She ran her hands down my chest and down to my boxers "Then you play by my rules." I said and grabbed her wrists before they reached the waistline of the fabric. She nodded her head, agreeing to the terms and I pulled her arms above her head.

"Don't touch. And I'll keep going. If you touch me, I stop. Understand?" I said looking down at her.

She smiled and nodded eagerly. And with that I kissed her on the lips and made my way to her neck, my hands wandering onto her hips then slid slowly up her shirt to her breasts. She let out a soft moan and I felt her hands on my back. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed her wrists. Placing them back above her head, she giggled and I reminded her "No touching"

She nodded and I pulled the hem of her shirt up, exposing her naked chest and pulled the shirt up her arms and over her eyes to work as a blindfold for her. I continued kissing down her body, spending extra time on her nibbles. Loving the sound of her soft moans and the way her hips bucked up towards me. She moaned "I want to touch you"

"Not yet" I said sternly and hooked my fingers onto the hem of her pajama shorts and panties, pulling them both down slowly. Exposing herself to me. She listened and kept her hands above her head. "Good girl" I praised and spread her legs with my hands, leaning down and placing my mouth to her clit. Softly at first and slowly picking up the pace. She moaned my name and then I felt her fingers running through my hair and I stopped.

I moved back up to meet her eyes as I pulled the shirt up over her head. She was flushed and smiling looking at me with her big doe eyes. I used the shirt to tie her wrists to the headboard, making sure it wasn't too tight to cause marks. "Now you can't touch me" I smirked down at her and she bit her lip, bucking her hips up.

"I want.." She stopped herself and I kept eye contact with her, sliding my hand down her torso, between her legs.

"What do you want, Princess?" I said teasingly, as I rubbed her clit slowly picking up the pace.

She moaned and her eyes rolled back for a moment before she answered me, "I want you"

"Say please" She was too busy feeling the way she felt with my hand between her legs to respond so I stopped and pulled my hand away.

Her eyes opened and looked at me pleadingly, "Please Victor, I want you"

That's all it took. I positioned myself between her legs and slid my boxers down, letting my erection spring free. She looked down between her legs at my length and then up at me, there was a hint of concern across her face. Then I bent her knees up, and slowly rubbed my tip over her clit and across her slit until she looked at me like she was ready for more.

I leaned over her, holding my weight with my arms on either side of her body and with one thrust forward I was inside of her. She moaned and pulled against the restraints on her wrist, wanting to wrap her arms around me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I kept my eyes on her to make sure she was okay as I pulled out slowly and pushed myself back in. She moaned "faster" She was more than okay.

I started to speed up, thrusting myself in and out of her faster and faster. I moved one of my hands to her nipple as she was getting closer to finishing and slowly slid my hand up her chest, closer to her neck. I kept my eyes on her, for any signs to stop but instead she said "choke me" in a breathless moan and I did as I was told. My hand wrapped around her throat and squeezed just enough for pleasure as I picked up the pace I knew she was close. I looked down into her eyes "Cum for me". She let the orgasm ripple through her body as I thrusted my last time into her, feeling the sweet release and relaxing my grip on her neck.

I slowly pulled myself out and leaned over her, untying the restraints on her wrists. Her arms relaxed over her head as she rode through the remaining parts of her orgasm. I slid my boxers back on and kissed her neck, where I was previously squeezing. "Are you okay?"

She took a deep breath, "More than okay"

I smiled and got out of bed and got in the shower to wash off the sweat that was now covering my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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