Chapter 25 - Riley's POV

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Hi guys, long time no see lol. I hope your holidays were good:) I have some time off and felt like updating so here I am. Thank you for all the love on the previous chapters, reading your comments really motivated me to continue this story so Thank You!


Riley's POV

The hotel room was massive and on the highest floor of the building. It had a huge king size bed and a set up that looked like a small living room with a couch that pulled out into a mattress. I walked around the area, eventually ending up on the long balcony attached to the sliding glass door next to the bed. The feeling of the salt water air against my skin made the car sickness feeling fade away quickly. The feeling of bliss was interrupted by hands weaving their way around my torso and a warm body against my back.

"Put your suit on Beautiful, we're going down to the water in 5" Dom kissed my cheek and then went back into the room before I could protest.

I sifted through the bag that was sitting on the bed for my swim suit while Victor paced around the room on the phone in his expensive pants and buttoned up like usual. He was arguing in a slightly raised voice, glancing over at me every few minutes.

I grabbed my suit and changed in the bathroom, I stopped and looked at the faded scars on my skin, sighing. The suit was a nice deep blue bikini, it looked nice against my fair freckled skin but the scars scattered over my body made me feel disgusted. I walked out of the bathroom and Dom was laying on the bed on his back scrolling through his phone in his swim trunks and nothing else. That man was molded by the Gods himself, his muscles were on full display, flexing as he laughed at whatever he was looking at on his phone.

I sifted through my bag for a hoodie large enough to cover my body but I didn't see one.

Dom whistled once he noticed I was standing at the end of the bed. "Woah look at you.." His cheeks were slightly red. "Blue looks good on you"

I didn't entertain his flattering, instead I crossed my arms over my torso feeling uncomfortable in my skin. "Do you have a hoodie I can wear on the walk down?" I asked nicely, hoping he wouldn't argue with me.

"Why?" He smirked gazing down my body and then back to my eyes.

I try to defend myself "Because I-"

"Damien, give her a hoodie" Victor barked orders as usual.

"Here" Damien holds out a black hoodie in front of me, I look up to thank him and his cheeks are red and he's avoiding eye contact with me.

I smile slightly and take the hoodie from him, sliding it over my body, it ends half way down my thighs like I was hoping it would.

"Buzzkill" Dom sighs looking at Victor and rolling his eyes before getting off the bed.

Lucas's voice came from the bathroom "Okay, I'm ready lets go" he walked out in his ducky swim trunks and sunblock covering all the skin that was exposed, sunglasses and a hat.

And with that we all made our way to the beach. Once we picked a good spot Damien laid out towels and a cooler with drinks he had packed for everyone. Victor was still in his business attire, he looked like he had no intention of getting in the water. I pulled off my hoodie and tossed it onto the towel then laid down to try and get a tan.

"You should really put sunscreen on" Lucas was sitting on the towel next to me.

"I didn't bring any" I said, laying on my stomach and keeping my eyes closed and then I felt something cold on my back and then two warm hands.

"Hold still" Lucas was rubbing sunscreen into my skin, on my back, up to my shoulders and then back down to my hips. He went slow and his hands felt amazing against my body. He drifted down to my ass and I could feel the hesitation in his movements as he went lower.

"She can put her sunscreen on herself," Victor interrupted.

I sighed, getting up and sifting through the cooler for a drink.

"Do you think the water is cold?" Lucas asked me, he sounded nervous, like he was scared of the water or something.

Before I could respond my feet lifted from the ground in one swift motion, "Let's find out" Dom said, holding me in his arms bridal style with a huge grin on his face and then ran straight for the water.

Before I could get out of his grip we were both submerged in the ocean water and he was laughing his ass off. My hair was soaked and dripping into my face as we stood waist deep in the water. "Asshole" I said but I couldn't help but laugh at his laugh. We splashed each other for a bit and after swimming around for a while, Dom went back to shore to get a drink. I stayed in the water to dive for sea shells.

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