the way ahead

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POV Ciara

Me and Charlie sat they incomplete quietness, until dawn, finding the others slowly one by one, Charlie looked across the group, waiting for the rest to wake up, "What's for breakfast?" Ember asked. 

"Beef," I answered, "I found quite a few cows last night," I add. 

Lyria put her hands up, "And umm, what if you don't eat meat?" Lyria asked, I forget Lyria doesn't eat meat. 

"bread, I've got some that can still be eaten," Charlie said opening his bag. 

"So what's the plan now?" Ember asked. 

Azura stretched, her wings coming to life, "We wait, Hilda is still too weak to move without Lance's help," She said. 

We all nodded, "Anyone, want to help me test my grapple gun?" Charlie asked. 

Several heads turned to him, my included, I remember he had built one back before the ender falls, but Naeus smashed that, so I guess he's built a new one. others who looked was Lyria, Shizuku, Nina and Andrew. 

"I will," Lyria and Andrew said at the same time. 

"You built a Grapple gun!" Shizuku said, there seemed to be stars in her eyes, "you're so wise Senpai," she added. 

Charlie slowly turned to me, his face riddled with worry, I held back a laugh, this kid isn't going to leave Charlie alone and He'll hate every moment of it, but love it at the same time, Charlie turned back to the group, "Anyone else?" he asked. 

Ember shrugged, "Maybe in a bit, for now, I want to eat," he said, Charlie turned to Meeps who didn't even look back at him. 

'oh dear that might be a problem,' I thought before we went a little away from the group, I made sure both my daggers were ready, and took Excalibur from Charlie, for the time being, My excuse was I want to practice with it, in reality, I didn't trust him with right now, I've been where he is, unable to protect the people I care about, the big difference was I could heal and come back from anything, a side effect of the totem of undying Kane took from Lance. 

We went far enough so that we wouldn't in hear distances, "So how are we going to test this thing?" I asked. 

Charlie pulled out the grapple gun, the base could have been any handgun. but the difference came from the claw on the end, "Well I've designed it to bring things to the user, not to move the user," he pointed towards a stick, aimed and pulled a trigger, the claw shot out and gripped on to the stick, it came flying back.

Charlie had clearly not counted on the recoil from the small gun, as the claw returned, he dropped the grapple, his hand recoiling in pain, "Ow, should of used my left hand," He said. 

griping his right hand with the left, "Charlie, are you going to tell me what happened to your hand?" I asked, Charlie looked at me than the other 3.

He smiled at Lyria and Shizuku, "Can you two do me a favour, go and find something a bit bigger to test the grapple gun on please?" Lyria nodded and took a reluctant Shizuku with her. Charlie then turned to Andrew. he didn't even need to say anything. Andrew nodded and walked away. I like Andrew he's smart. 

I turned back to Charlie, "After Crystal, why I was still angry, I smashed up my room, and I...I put my hand through the window," Charlie explained. 

my mind rushed, for a moment I was back in the past, back in the basement, after being kidnapped, then forward to the days after the totem, When I took those daggers to myself.

Kane must have heard as he came running into my room, ripping the daggers out of my hand, "What the Nether were you thinking?" He asked me, I never answered that question. 

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