𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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[ a/n ]

I know this chapter took place in ep. 3 (when karma was properly introduced) but idc, pretend it fits


"What're two doing out here, it's chilly," you said as you approached Karma and Nagisa, your arms crossed for warmth. Karma was sitting on a tree branch, biting the nail on his index finger while Nagisa was standing on the cliff.

"Come on, man. I'm telling you not to sweat it, we'll do it together as a group," Nagisa started. "You could have the sneakiest, most foolproof plan in the world ready to go, but if Koro-Sensei's got his eye on you, forget it. He's not like other teachers."

"Other teachers, huh?" Karma replied.

"Oh great.." You muttered to yourself, knowing exactly what, or who Karma was thinking about. "Karma, get down from there, I don't want you to get hurt.

"I'll be fine," he nodded. "Nagisa, you don't understand. I wanna do it on my own. Let me ask you, would it tick you off to die in some random place?"

"Oh Karma~" Koro-Sensei hummed before Nagisa could give a response. You all looked back at the being. "I feel like I've taken exceptionally good care of you today. Keep trying to kill me if that tickles your fancy. I certainly don't get tired of spiffing you up."

"Hm," Karma stood up, smiling, "just so we're on the same page here. You pretty much consider yourself a teacher above all else?"

"That's right!"

"Cool.. And you wouldn't think twice about putting your life on the line to save a student?"

"What sort of teacher would I be if I did?"

"That's awesome.. Good to know, so, I can kill you," Karma smiled, pointing his gun towards Koro-Sensei while slowly falling backwards.

Yours and Nagisa's first reaction was to run to the edge of the cliff, but it was too late. He was too far down for you to do anything.

"Why are you just standing there?! Go help him, please!" You yelled at Koro-Sensei.

You felt your heart sink down to your stomach, watching as your boyfriend fell further and further down, his smile not leaving his face. Tears filled your eyes, you were convinced you were about to watch him die. You thought you would never be able to hug him, kiss him, make fun of him, or tell him how much you love him ever again.

But, thankfully, Koro-Sensei created some sort of netting with his tentacles just in time, catching Karma.

"Oh thank God," Nagisa sighed in relief.

"Is he an idiot?!"

Soon, Koro-Sensei brought both himself and Karma back up to you and Nagisa.

Karma sat down next to you, as if nothing just happened.

"I don't get it, how were you so calm the whole time?" Nagisa asked.

"Eh, no big. What really sucks is that was my best bet, nothing else I can come up with even touches it."

'Eh, no big? What the hell is his problem' you thought to yourself, paying zero attention to whatever they were talking about after.

"Well, (Y/N), Nagisa, let's head back. We can grab some food on the way," Karma began walking, tossing a coin purse up and down.

"AAAHH! EXCUSE ME! THAT'S MY PURSE!" Koro-Sensei cried out.

"C'mon teach, you've gotta stop leaving stuff unattended in the faculty lounge."


"Here you go!" Karma happily gave it back.

"Gimmegimmegimmegimme, eh.. Hey, this uh empty.."

"There wasn't much there to begin with, call it a donation!"


"Calm down.. Here, this should be enough to replace it, since we both know he won't give it back," you sighed, handing your teacher roughly a thousand yen.

"Gah, what's an angel like you doing with a devil like him," Koro-Sensei said with tears.

"Trust me, I ask myself the same question everyday," you replied jokingly.


"What's your deal? You've barely said anything since Nagisa left," Karma said, the two of you walking home from the convenience store.

"You were seriously ready to kill yourself, just like that, no second thoughts or anything?"

"Uh, yeah, if it meant killing the octopus."

"Good to know," you sighed.

"Oh come on, don't get moody over this. It's our job to kill him."

"Yeah, but you don't have to kill yourself to do it! You didn't even care, did you even think about me? You were seriously okay with not seeing me ever again?"

"You're overthinking it, I'm alive, aren't I? We all knew I'd make it."

"I didn't! I thought I'd never get to speak to you again, it terrified me, but apparently you didn't feel the same way. It says a lot."

"Are you trying to say I don't love you or something?"

"Maybe I am."

"You realize I did that for you, right? It's either he dies or we die. If killing myself meant you'd get to live, I wouldn't hesitate. I love you, okay? I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that ever again."

"You promise you mean that..?" You asked a bit quietly.

"I promise, have I ever lied to you?"

"No.. I love you too, Karma, sorry..."

"It's fine, I might've been acting a little stupid too," he admitted.

"Yeah, you think?"

"Shut up, you're so mean to me."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now