𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

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  'Shit, he's kinda,' you thought to yourself. You knew you weren't supposed to like him but that couldn't stop you from admiring, he was like twenty years older than you anyway.

Out of nowhere, he broke the window behind him with his bare hand, making a few of you scream a bit out of shock. Your cover was officially blown.

  "Boring. I can hear your footsteps, people," his voice was DEEP and monotone. "I wanted to kill someone interesting, not a bunch of amateurs."

'The fuck did he expect from fourteen to fifteen year olds..?'

  "Ain't your squadron leader supposed to be some kinda special forces dick, or did he get bagged? Hun."

No response, obviously.

  "Hun. Tough break. Guess the gas got to him before I had the chance, hun. Smog live, or did they kill each other at the same time, like men? Hun, lemme see ya."

You all stepped away from the corner you were hiding behind. None of you could get your head around the way he spoke..

  "Dude, what's with all the stupid 'huns'?" Karma asked shamelessly, even had a smile on his face.


  "Hun. It's how samurai's talk. Read someplace they used to do it all the time to sound intimidating."

  "Well congrats, it's working. Giving me the Goddamn heebie jeebies," you faked a shiver.

  "I like the way it plays, makes me feel badass. This is actually the first time I've tried it out, so no big. Hun, I might decide to drop it once I've killed you. No one else's heard me talk this, so it'd be a clean slate."

Apparently this guy was planning on killing all of you with just his hands, and you honestly didn't doubt it. He was well built, one of those guys you just knew were ripped even though they're wearing long sleeves.

Karma let go of your hand, which surprised you a bit but you didn't say anything just in case. You were confused, out of anywhere he'd keep you out of arm's length he chose when your life was being threatened. He slowly crept up to the front of the group, you decided to stand next to Isogai and Yada, so you'd be close enough to Mr. Karasuma but also have someone you're totally comfortable with.

Once the blonde man grabbed his walkie-talkie, or whatever communication device it was, Karma grabbed a small potted tree and swung it, breaking both the device and one of the windows.

  "Speaking of let downs.." He started.

  "Oh Jesus Christ," you sighed, burying your face in your hands.

  "..You seem fairly average for a professional. And I can break glass too, if that's all it takes," he chuckled as he spoke, as if he were talking to someone who was lesser than him, like one of those snobby CEOs talking to a retail worker, like they're better than them. "What I wouldn't do is call in reinforcements as an opening move. But then, I'm not especially threatened by 'a bunch of amateurs'."

Everyone gasped, but you.

  "Karma Akabane get your ass over here, if he doesn't kill you at this rate I will," you said like a fed up mother.

He just waved his hand back at you, a mixture of the 'shut the fuck up' wave and the 'I've got this' wave.

  "Karma! Stop!" Mr. Karasuma was about to interfere.

  "Not so fast, Mr. Karasuma, you too (Y/N). The boy's chin is down. Karma typically enters a fight with his chin angled upward. It shows disdain. He's literally looking down his nose at his opponent, this is different. True, his words may be dripping with arrogance, but his eyes are staring daggers. He's alert, locking his opponents gaze. Finals were quite a blow to his precious ego. But I suspect he's taken the lesson of that failure to heart."

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now