𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨

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  "And we're supposed to get past those guys, how?" You asked, looking at the two security guards blocking off the V.I.P. lounge, exactly where you needed to be.

Turns out Terasaka was hiding two stun guns in his backpack.

  "Kimura, help me out. I'll wait, you get out there and lead 'em this way," Terasaka said.

  "Dude, are you crazy!? How am I supposed to do that?"

  "You figure it out."

Then, you saw Karma's smirk, you sighed once again.

  "I've got a good idea if you're not a wuss," he began whispering the plan into Kimura's ear.

  "What'd you do this time..?" You asked hesitantly as Karma walked back over to you, wrapping his arm around you.

  "Oh you'll see very, very soon."

You all kept behind the corner but far enough so you could see Kimura.

  "Oh wow! Not a single active brain cell in sight! Nope! Just two big, dumb walls of meat wearing clothes! Someone really ought to call animal control, sheesh."

They stopped for a second before chasing Kimura down the hall. The kid was like the flash.

  "And you couldn't do that because?!" You whisper-yelled.

  "Too much effort. Not big on running, plus look at him go. Motherfuckin' Speedy Gonzales."

  "You are going to be the reason we all die I swear."

Before they could get Kimura, Yoshida and Terasaka tazed them both with the stun guns. Soon, they took actual guns from the guards. Koro-Sensei chose to give them to Chiba and Hayami, you were just grateful Karma didn't have one, who knows what he'd do with that.

 You all snuck into the concert hall, hiding behind chairs and walls while waiting for your next  opponent.

'Is he sucking on a gun..?' You thought to yourself.

He looked around the room from the stage before shooting his gun in the air, and as soon as you all heard it, Karma pulled you closer to him. Hayami attempted to shoot his gun out of his hand but failed. He turned the stage backlights on.

  After what felt like an eternity of running around, ducking behind chairs, Chiba and Hayami finally took care of him and you were free to find the 'final boss'.

  "Hm, what's wrong..?" Karma asked, looking over at you.

  "Just nervous about who's behind all this.. I mean, if those guys were just obstacles, imagine what the mastermind is like."

  "You've got a point."

  "Wow, you're a real comforting person," you replied sarcastically.

  "Didn't let me finish, jackass. I was gonna say that we took care of those guys like it was nothing. Chances are the 'mastermind' was counting on his goons to take care of us. You know I won't let you get hurt either way," he spoke quietly, just enough for the two of you to hear.

You nodded in response, interwinding his slender fingers with yours. You were praying it would all end soon, that you'd be back in the hotel with him in just a matter of minutes.

  What happened next took you by surprise more than anything else that had happened in the  previous twenty-four hours. The guy you all had been looking for was Takaoka.

  "What naughty children! Trying to sneak up on dear ol' dad! You disappoint me, I thought I raised you better than that," he looked fucking insane, as if he hadn't slept in weeks, his cheeks were scarred, his old teddy bear appearance was completely gone. You could barely recognize him.

Mr. Karasuma was still incredibly weak but pointed a gun at the fiend, just in case.

  "Let's head up to the roof, huh? I've got a little surprise up there."

  "Why the hell would we go with you?" You asked, you couldn't help but stand behind Karma a bit.

  "Oh miss (Y/N), still as lippy as before I see. Better fix that attitude before I fix it for you, again."

  "Again? What is he talking about?" Karma looked back at you.

  "Not important right now, I'll tell you later, maybe, I don't know."

  You all ended up following him up to the roof, you didn't want to risk whatever 'punishment' he had in mind for anyone who wanted to disobey him.

He challenged Nagisa one on one. None of you wanted Nagisa to go up there and face the man but you knew he had to if you wanted to get out of there. Mr. Karasuma was ready to shoot and kill Takaoka if he saw that Nagisa's life was at serious risk, under Koro-Sensei's orders. Nagisa bowed on the ground, apologising for what had happened when Takaoka was your Gym teacher. He blew up the antidote.

All of your hope was gone.

𝙀𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙉𝘼𝙇 𝙎𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 ── k. akabane ✔Where stories live. Discover now